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Second day, second lunch the younger hasn't even looked at yet. He was was starring down at his phone looking through pictures he didn't even remember taking. Most of them were a blur or the people on them looked like something that was no longer even human but that was until he stumbled upon the first picture the boy took.

It was him and Yoongi he doesn't remember when that happened but the pair was clearly drunk due to their rosy cheeks and unfocused eyes. They both had lazy smiles on their faces and their cheeks were smashed together and although they looked quite wasted the raven couldn't help but to smile at the picture. He saved it as one of his favorites then put his phone away when the light haired boy sitting opposite of him spoke up.

''Are you gonna eat that, hyung?'' The younger asked looking at the boys food. The raven noticed Jungkook has already eating his own lunch, he smiled slightly and pushed the tray over to the younger who's eyes got wide. ''You're not going to eat?''

''I feel sick.'' The raven lied showing a fake smile to the younger who was covering his head with a hoodie once again.

''I know how that feels, don't worry hyung you weren't the only one who puked their guts out last night.'' To that the raven chuckled as he watched the younger boy munch on his second lunch.

''So... W-who was that orange haired guy that Tae was fighting with?'' The younger's eyes went wide as he quickly looked around the room to make sure the said blonde or ginger were nowhere near them.

''That's Tae's ex, Hoseok.'' He said a bit more quietly and leaned closer to the raven. ''The two started dating in the beginning of freshman year and they dated for almost a year... But then Hoseok cheated on Tae.''

''What happened?'' Although the raven felt comfortable enough to control his words his voice was still quiet and just a little above a whisper but the younger still heard him and continued the story.

''It happened over the summer break.'' The younger looked around the room until he spotted who he was looking for. ''You see those girls over there.'' He said and pointed to a group of 5 girls sitting together at a table, the raven nodded and observed them. Those were the mean girls Tae told him about yesterday. ''See the ginger one? That's Hyuna, the Regina George of our school. Taehyung caught the two of them a few days before summer ended, their families were apparently out for dinner together and when Tae tried to confront him he was acting as if they were never even together in the first place.''

The raven was speechless, his mouth was slightly open and all he could do was think how betrayed Taehyung must have felt.

''That was apparently going on all summer, and the most fucked up thing is that Tae and Hyuna were best friends at that time.''

''Are Hoseok and Hyuna still together?''

''Yeah, they have to be the most annoying couple alive.''

''What were Tae and Hoseok arguing about last night?''

''Who knows. These two can't be around each other longer then 5 seconds because one of them will start a fight.'' The younger sighed and started eating again.

''I am back, did you miss me?'' The blonde suddenly appeared and sat down next to the raven. A few seconds later two juniors sat down next to Jungkook both showing a small smile.

''Hi.'' Namjoon and Seokjin both greeted making the younger's greet back.

''How are my little drunkies holding up?'' Seokjin asked as he pinched the youngest's cheek.

''Barely.'' Both of them spoke earning a chuckle from the pink haired boy.

''About last night, I am so so sorry I left you all alone.'' Taehyung shot his head to the raven who sent him a sweet smile in return.

''It's okay, Yoongs was with me the entire time.'' The raven spoke with a smile which quickly dropped when he realized he used the nickname he came up with for the boy when they were 4 in front of his friends.

''Oh so it was Yoongs who drove you home.'' The blonde teased causing the raven to blush.

''I-I...'' And the raven was once again a stuttering mess, unable to form a sentence. The blonde's smirk got even more evil and the raven's face, although it was hardly still possible, even more red.

''Aw, it's Jiminie's second day here and he already has a crush.'' The blonde cooed.

''Tae leave the poor kid alone, he's finally not shy with us and here you go and tease him.'' Seokjin scolded as he sent a slight glare to the blonde.

''If you saw what I saw this morning you'd be doing the same thing.'' And suddenly the raven wished Yoongi's promise about not being able to leave the bed was true so he wouldn't have to be here and suffer through the never ending blush and shyness.

''What happened this morning?'' It was the youngest who got curious.

Before anyone could speak a hand pinched the raven's side causing him to let out a loud squeal and throw his entire body backwards. But before he could fall the same hand that tickled him grabbed him and pulled him back up.

''It always did amuse me how ticklish you are.'' The raven instantly recognized the voice and sent a pout to the owner of it.

''Stop that.'' He whinnied only to earn another chuckle.

''Aw did I upset my little Chim Chim.'' At this point the raven had decided the world was out to get him today he slapped the older's hand that was going to pinch his cheeks and pouted even more. ''Anyway Chim I don't have your number.'' The older spoke and sat down next to the blushing boy. He handed him his phone so that the younger so that he typed in his number and vice versa, after that the older stood up and ruffled the younger's hair earning a glare. ''Text me when you're done with class so I can drive you home.''

And so he walked away leaving his friend blushing and ready to get teased by his friends all over again. 

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