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''Tae I need your help.'' The raven whined as he paced up and down his bedroom.

''Why are you so nervous, you've been over to his house a million times already.'' The blonde tried to calm down the older's nerves, but he didn't exactly understand what he was panicking about in the first place.

''But I only ever see Yoongi and his father this time I'll be meeting his siblings and his step-mother. What if I stutter what if they don't like me, I don't like talking to too many people at once.'' Jimin knew he was being over-dramatic but he was hoping his just as over-dramatic best friend would back him up.

''Didn't you used to have play dates with all three of them when you were younger?''

''No, Yoongi was my only friend when I was young, I've never even met his siblings before.''

''Oh... Well I'm sure they'll like you, I mean it's usually the dad that's the hardest to crack. At least in my case.'' The blonde spoke with a sigh.

''Have you met Hoseok's family yet?'' The raven asked, the day after the party Taehyung called him and told him everything that happened, so the older was in the loop about what was going on.

''No I've only met his mother and sister.''

''How did it go?''

''Surprisingly well, we were both shocked they were so supporting.'' The blonde admitted.

''Really? That's amazing.''

''Yeah, they even told us they'll help with braking to news to his father.''

''How do you think he'll take it?''

''Considering he told Hobi to stop hanging out with Yoongi after he found out you two were dating, I say this is going to be the worst dinner of my life.''

''Well I'll give you points for honesty.'' The raven said back as he walking into his closet making the blonde follow behind. ''When are you meeting his dad?''

''After the brake, when are you going over to the Min's household?''

''In an hour.'' The raven replied as he looked around his clothes with worry.

''Oh shit, that soon? Get your ass into the shower I'll pick something out for you.'' The blonde ordered and practically pushed the older away.

The raven obeyed and walked into his bathroom to get ready. He stripped himself of his pjs he's been wearing all day already and looked in the mirror. He's lost 15 pounds since school started and the raven finally felt proud to look in the mirror. Of course he had at least 5 pounds left to lose but he was close to his goal. His abs were finally as defined he wanted them to be, his arm muscles were still something he needed to work on and he still needed to get rid of some fat around his legs. The only thing bothering him now was his chubby cheeks that just wouldn't go away.

He let out a sigh and stepped into the shower.

Once he was clean he made his way back into his bedroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist to be met with the blonde half asleep on his bed staring at the ceiling.

''Finally, what did you almost drown in there or something?'' The blonde asked as he shot the raven a glare, but then his eyes moved down to the older's body and quickly looked away. ''Um I gave you three different outfits to choose from.'' He spoke as he tried not to make it sound like he was shocked. The raven casually slipped on a pair of boxers and walked over to the outfits his best friend has picked out.

''Damn you really went all out.'' The raven joked but the blonde only chuckled nervously and stood up to stand behind him. He was inspecting closely how bony the raven's back was as he tried not to show his panicked expression. ''I like this one.'' The raven spoke up and picked up the outfit.

He got dressed into black jeans and a black turtle neck then threw a light denim jacket over that.

''Does it look okay?'' He asked looking into the mirror.

''Well of course it does, I did pick it out myself.'' To that the raven only rolled his eyes in a playful manner.

''Can you do my hair? I'm too nervous to do it.'' The raven begged.

''You little shit, just admit you're too lazy to do it yourself.''

''Okay, true, but still you do it better.''

''True.'' The blonde happily did the raven's, he blow dried it and styled it so that it was parted and slightly messy looking so the raven could run his hand though his bangs freely, since the raven got a habit of doing that lately. ''And you're all done.''

''Thank you Tae.'' The boy smiled kindly then jumped up from his chair as if he just remembered something. ''Oh I almost forgot.'' The raven suddenly ran over to his bed and pulled out a box with a golden bow on top of it.

''What is that?'' The blonde asked with a rectangular smile.

''It's your present.'' The raven grinned widely.

''You got me a present? Oh my I feel so bad, only I don't because I also got you a present!'' The blonde suddenly pulled out a bag from underneath his coat that was hanging on Jimin's chair.

''Aww Tae.'' The raven hugged the blonde making both of them chuckle.

''How about we first open our presents and then hug.''

''That's a good idea. Here.'' The pair exchanged their presents and sat down on the bed. ''You go first.''

''Okay.'' The blonde happily opened the box and a gasp escaped his mouth. ''The Gucci slippers! How did you know I wanted them?!'' He shouted excitedly.

''I just saw them and knew.'' The raven giggled seeing how happy his friend was with his gift.

''Okay now open mine.'' The blonde clapped with excitement. The raven opened the bag containing his present and pulled out a sweater causing him to gasp as well.

''You got me Gucci as well!?'' The raven squealed excitedly as he admired it in detail.

''I'm pretty sure that if we didn't have Hobi and Yoongi we would end up marrying each other one day.'' The blonde joked causing the older to launch himself onto the blonde and hug him tightly.

''Thank you so much Tae, I'm so glad you're my friend.'' The raven murmured from the crook of the blonde's neck.

''I'm glad we're friends too.'' The blonde said back, but he couldn't help but feel his heart brake when he realized how tiny his friend felt in his arms. He could feel his bones and how light he was to pick up and he couldn't help but wonder if Yoongi knew about this.

''Jimin you ready to go!?'' They head Mr Park yell from down the hall.

''I'll be out in 5 minutes!'' Jimin yelled back as he let go of his friend.

''So did you get Yoongi anything?'' The blonde smirked, trying to conceal his worry.

''Of course I did.'' The raven grinned once again. ''I'll give it to him tonight.''

''Oh Jimin.'' The younger teased his friend causing him to blush.

''I didn't mean it like that Tae I got him a Rolex.'' The raven hit the younger's shoulder playfully.

''So he's not getting any action tonight?'' This time the slap was not as playful. ''I'm joking. Anyway I should probably get going, my parents want me home about now.'' He explained and stood up. The pair shared another hug and left the house together Jimin and his father on their way to the Min's and Taehyung home.

As the blonde sat down in his car and drove away he took out his phone and called Yoongi.

''Taehyung?'' The older's voice sounded confused. ''Everything okay?'' Yoongi automatically asked since the blonde never called him unless something was wrong.

''Not really, I um, it's about Jimin...'' The blonde trailed off.

''Is he okay?'' The older started to panic.

''Can you do me a favor and check how much he eats tonight?''

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