5. Young Forever

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We started to ask all kinds of questions to each other. What our favourite dish was or colour, all kind of childish get to know each other questions. When I asked him what he did for a living he suddenly changed his cheerful expression to a serious one.

“I work at a company.” he said.

“Oh what do you at the company?”

He thought a bit about his answer and then finally said “I give presentations in a group to promote our company.”

“That seems like a lot of fun!”

“It is, I get to travel a lot and meet new people and discover new cultures.” he said cheerfully.

“Ooooh I see so I guess that's why you are staying here at the hotel.”

He took a shot before answering me.“ No I'm at the hotel because I got in an argument with my boss at work, I'm here because I got mad and needed to cool down a bit.”

“Don't you have a house with a girlfriend or wife where you can stay or something?” I asked because I found it strange he's staying in a hotel instead of going home.

“My house is close to the company and I live with the 6 other guys that work at the company.” he answered.

“WHAT ??? 7 GUYS IN THE SAME HOUSE!?” I was shocked when I heard this.

“Yeah I can't go to them now... I've caused trouble, not only for me but for them as well, I can't just go back to them now” he said. I thought he was very responsible for saying that.

“Did you and your boss had a big argument?” I asked him

“ Yeah kinda... ”

“What was the agrument about? If I may ask of course...”

Maybe it was the alcohol that made me so interested in him, or maybe it was the fact that he looked sad. But I really wanted to know.

“We work in group as I told you. The seven of us complement each other perfectly. But sometimes I feel like I'm being left out. I only get to talk at the end of the presentations and sometimes it's not even 2 lines. In one of the presentations, I needed to share my lines with one of the other members. Usually, I stay quiet about this and just let it go, I'm the oldest so I need to avoid all kinds of trouble. But I just couldn't hold it in anymore. That's why I'm here so I can cool down and apologise when I'm calm.”

When he said this I was devastated, he's such a nice guy he doesn't deserve this. I almost cried, but then again that might be the alcohol.

He saw the look on my face. “Do you know why Pac-Man doesn't use Twitter ?” he asked.

“What ?”I looked at him in confusion.

“He doesn't like being followed!”after he said that he started to laugh out loud with a high pitched laugh. The joke wasn't that funny but the fact he started to laugh like that instantly made me laugh as well.

We were at the bar just telling each other some really stupid jokes. This went on for a while and we got extreeeemly drunk.

“I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm huuuuuungrrryyyy” he started to whine a little.

“Meeee tooooo” I whined as well.

“Give me some food” he asked.

“I don't have an..... Oh wait I do have some” I remembered I bought some ramen at the convenience store today. “It's in my room let's gooooo” I stood up and he followed me to my room. We prepared the ramen in the microwave. We ate and had a laugh. We ordered some more alcohol with the room service. We started to drink like teenagers at a party.....

I woke up and I started stretching my arms out a bit the sunlight was shining really hard into the room, I forgot to close the drapes yesterday.

My head is bursting I guess I drank too much yesterday. When I stood up to go close the drapes I noticed something... Why am I only wearing panties and a bra... I looked around in panic. There he was. Jin was sleeping on the other side of the bed. Only wearing his Mario boxers.

Just what happened last night.....

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