39. I Like It ( At That Place )

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It's been a few days since I confessed my love to Jin. I can't see him during the day because he has practice. I know he's tired, yet he always comes over. I'm so grateful to have him by my side, he'll never hurt me, not intentionally anyway.

Right now I'm hanging out with Mia on our sofa. We were having a late night girl talk.

" I cannot believe this Ra- ah no Minjae," Mia chuckled." Can you believe it?"

" Believe what?" I asked.

" We're dating members of a famous boys band......" Her eyes lit up.

" What I can't believe is that it took me so long..... I swear to god if I could, I'd go back in time and kiss Jin the first day I met him." I laughed.

" I'm so happy my marriage failed." We looked at each other and then burst out into laughter.

" I still cannot believe you tricked me like that....." I raised an eyebrow.

" I'll make it up to you I swear!" Mia put her hands together and gave me puppy eyes.

" Just make sure you get a job. We need to pay rent..... And my savings won't last forever!"

" Yes! I will, now you go pack a bag you're leaving tomorrow !" She gestured me to leave.

I decided that I would visit my family with my mother. It seems they have a lot to catch up on. I was packing a small bag, we'll be staying over at the place. When I talked to my uncle he seemed really excited that my mom was coming with me. As I was packing my bag I got a message from Jin.

From Jin~:
Knock Knock.

To Jin~:
Who's there?

From Jin~:
Cows go.

To Jin~:
Cows go who?

From Jin~:
No pabo cows go moo.😂

I snorted a bit at his lame joke.

To Jin~:
Are you serious? 😐😂

From Jin~:
Always..... So are you done packing yet? Hope you have a safe trip tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't bring you..... 😳😢

To Jin~:
Oh It's okay, my mom is here I'll be fine... And don't strain yourself too much during practice alright? 💜

From Jin~:
If you tell me so then I'll do just that. 😚

To Jin~:
Good now go to sleep you've been here all evening after practice, you need to rest!

From Jin~:
Naeeeeee eomma😑😑.

To Jin~:
Omoooo my baby boy is such a good listener!

From Jin~:
Good night jagi😘😴.

To Jin~:
Good night Jin.... Ily💜.

From Jin~:
Love you too 💜.

With that, I placed my phone on the nightstand next to my bed and started screaming in my pillow and kicking my feet in the air. I cannot believe I'm being so lovey-dovey with someone. I had butterflies in my stomach and I kept on smiling.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of something burnt. My eyes sprung open, I got straight out of bed and ran towards the kitchen. There she was, trying to make pancakes.

" Mia you're supposed to lightly brown each side. Not make then looked like they came straight out of hell......"

" Ah crap, I wanted to surprise you....." She cursed.

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