6. Where Did You Come From

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I quickly put on the first thing I saw and woke Seokjin up.

“YAH!! WAKE UP!!! Where did you come from?? Why aren't you wearing any clothes? Why are you in my room?? WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED??” I started to panic a little bit.

“Omg, this is it... I'm not a virgin anymore... How do I explain this to my mom... What if I get pregnant I have an income but it won't be enough I'll need to move in with my mother..... ”

I started to ramble to myself in panic. I was pacing around the room not standing still when Seokjin suddenly grabbed me by the arm put his other hand on my forehead.

“You still have a fever lay back down in bed” he said.

He stood up and put on his shorts and the pink hoodie I was wearing yesterday. “Relax nothing happened yesterday, we were both pretty drunk and ended up in your room because we wanted to eat, and you offered to eat some ramen in your room.”

It suddenly all came back to me. After we ate our ramen and drank a lot. I started to get cold and hot at the same time. I got sick from sleeping in my bath and I ended up with a cold. We were both pretty tired as well so we just laid down on the bed. I was shivering from the cold when he hugged me to make me feel warmer.

“I read somewhere that skin contact really helps to heat up someone hehehe.” I laughed.

“ Let's take it all off then heheh.” Stupidly drunk we both started to undress and that's how we fell asleep.

That's why we aren't wearing any clothes and he was in my bed.

“I can't believe I did that I'm so sorry Seokjin...” My cheeks turned as red as tomato soup.

He gave me a smirk and said “Don't apologize, I was drunk as well, but I still knew what I was doing, now lay back down in bed until your cold is gone.”

I laid back down on my bed and he went out without saying anything. I fell back asleep. I got woken up by the sound of something being poured in a glass. “I went to the pharmacy and got you some cold medicine. Take it and feel better. I'll be leaving now. Thanks for yesterday.”

Before I could say anything else he was already gone. I wanted to thank him. Not only for taking care of me yesterday but also for the night we had it was the most fun I had in a while. I really needed this cheer up. I'll guess I'll see him around sometimes at the hotel. Well within the next 3 days because I'm leaving in 3 days. Going back to NYC. To my home...and my mom... I smiled warmly just thinking about seeing her again.

After 2 days of rest, I felt better. I started packing my stuff and souvenirs for my mom. I realize that there's a hoodie that's not mine with my stuff, the day I got sick Seokjin and I switched hoodies, for now I put it in a cute bag. I'll wash it, of course, I don't want him to catch the cold I had.

It's the morning of my departure and I need to give Seokjin his hoodie back. I started looking for him at the hotel, but I couldn't find him. I went to the bar to look but he wasn't there. I circled the halls for a while but I just couldn't find him. I went to the front desk but they couldn't do much with only a name.

I checked out of the hotel and stepped out and got into a taxi. “To the airport please” And so the taxi started to drive away. We arrived at the airport and I went to the desk to check in.

“Hello how can I help you?” the worker asked me.

“I'd like to check in my flight to NYC please”

“Okay one moment please, can you give me your passport and reservation number please.”

I handed her my documents and she typed everything on the computer. “ Miss there seems to be a problem.”

“What do you mean a problem?”

“Your seat seems to have been double booked and the other person is already checked in. I'll check with my manager and I'll see what I can do miss.” he said.

After a while, the manager came and explained that the flight is full and next one leaves in a week. He promised me that I'll have a seat on that flight and the company will compensate my accommodation for this week since the double booking was their mistake. I couldn't do much about it so I decided to go back to the hotel I was at first. It was an expensive hotel so the airport company needed to pay a lot to let me stay here for another week. Well, it was their fault to double book me. I'm not holding back.

I got another room this time it was a few floors higher than the one I was before but it was the same type of room, only the bed was on the other side. I laid down on the bed and started thinking about what to do for the next week here.

I suddenly heard a lot of noise from the room next to me. It seems like there was a guy playing video games very loudly. I recognized the Mario tune, I played it a lot when with my dad when I was younger. One of the only good memories I have of him. I went out of my room to ask the guy next to me to be a little quieter. I knocked on the door and a familiar figure stood in front of me.



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