7. Good Day

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“Seokjin !?”

He was as shocked as I was. " How did you find my room?"he asked me.

'' I didn't. Well, I just wanted to tell the guy that was playing video games so loudly to calm down a bit because I can hear everything in my room... I didn't know the guy was you.... How can you even play Mario so loud?"

"Ooooh I see I thought you looked for me because I was so handsome you needed to see my face again before leaving today." Smirked and then winked.

Wait I never told him I was leaving right? How did he know I was leaving today. Before I could ask something about it he already started talking.

" By the way, what do you mean you can hear everything ? I thought your room was a few floors down."

"Well I checked out this morning and went to the airport but I my seat got double booked and I ended back here but in another room. Not that I mind though I'm staying here a week for free."

I caught a glimpse of his room. It was very neat not a single piece of clothing on the floor. The bed was touching the wall my bed was touching as well so it seems like we're sleeping head to head. There was a nightstand next to the bed with a Mario doll on it, it was cute his outfit was red and white. Infront of the bed, there was a chair facing the tv and a table with the game case on it. I could read witch game it was and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Are you playing Super Mario 64?? Omg, I love that game my dad and I used to play it together. Did you know it's the first Super Mario that was released in 3D??" I was so excited after seeing this.

"You want to come in and play? I'm stuck on this level for like an hour now, maybe you could help." he asked.

"YES !!" I said without hesitation. " Eum... I mean no. I still have to unpack.."

What was I thinking... Going into a guys room just to play a game, you should know better Rachel.

" Oh come on! You'll never get the chance to play with someone handsome again."

" You mean Mario?"

" I'll pretend I didn't hear that, just help me out with the level and I'll leave you alone."

" Okay... But only one level then!" I gave in.

I wasn't thinking straight, the game caught me off guard. I got into his room and we started playing and without realising it, it was night time.

"Omg it's 10 pm already how long did we play this."

"What 10 pm no impossible. We where so busy playing that we forgot to eat, do you know how bad of a crime we just committed?" Seokjin joked.

" I am starving actually, I think I'll go buy some ramen at the convenience store." I got up.

"What no wait I'll cook you something good to eat instead." He took my hand to stop me from going

"You cook? In here?" How will he cook in a hotel room?

"Just wait and see" he winked

He let go of my hand and got into his closet to look for a small case. He opened up the case. I couldn't believe my eyes there was a small gas burner in there. He went back into the closet and took out a big container and in there he took out some spices, sauces and rice. Then he went to the mini-fridge and pulled out some eggs and vegetables. Lastly he opened up a drawer and took out a small wok. He cooked the rice and set it aside, then baked the vegetables and added the rice than some sauces and an egg to finish it off. I was amazed by how quickly he did all this but mostly how he got all of this into the hotel and is able took cook without getting noticed... Doesn't the hotel have a fire alarm or something.

"Woaaaaaa daebak I had no idea you could do all this." Infront of me was a wok with fried rice and it looked amazing.

"I'm pretty awesome right."

"Yeah yeah don't get ahead of yourself I haven't tasted it yet."

"Come on taste it and tell me if you like it. But I know your answer already."

I put a bite in my mouth and just couldn't believe it..."It's delicious." I mumbled

"What I couldn't hear you?"he said while placing his hand behind his ear to hear better.

"It's delicious okayyy..."I said louder this time.

"I'm glad you like it. Eat up." he said with a warm smile before taking a bite himself.

We after we finished eating there was a small silence. we were too full to talk. After a while I broke the silence. "I'll go back to my room now. Thank you for the meal I'll make sure to pay you back some time this week."

"You can stay longer if you want it's not like you need to go far away." He smiled. I wasn't sure if he was serious or not while saying this but I declined and said my goodbyes and went back to my room.

I put on some PJ's and popped in my bed. I thought about the fun I had while playing Mario it reminded me of the few good times with my dad.

"Every man leaves he's the same"

I was reminded of all the bad things that happened and realised I should maybe stay away from Seokjin, if I get to close I might get hurt again. But there's just something about him..

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