29. Moving On

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" all the single ladies~ all the single ladies~ " Mia and I sang in the backseat of the car.

Jin was driving, we were on our way to the company to get the others. The radio was on and then ' Single Ladies' by Beyoncé came on.

" Wo~oh~oh- " the radio suddenly turned off.

" Yah! " We both screamed at Jin.

" I can't focus on the road like this! I know you want to be an independent woman, but do that when I'm not riding, please.... " His eyes were focused on the road in front of him.

Mia and I both scoffed. The rest of the ride was quiet, I would occasionally look at Jin in the rearview mirror as he did the same. I should keep my distance from him..... I know he likes me, and I like him too. But it isn't the time. With all that is happening with Mia and all. It's just so hard! He kissed me twice, and every time I look him in the eyes I want him to do it again....

We arrived at the building, Namjoon and Mia decided they would ditch me and Jin and go with the others in the big van. So Yoongi joined us as Jin drived. It was a long drive, about an hour. They would go to this remote karaoke place.

" It's kind of a secret place, well not that secret. It's just that it's in the middle of nowhere and a lot of idol's go there because no other people go there." Yoongi explained.

" Oh yeah, I remember seeing D.O and the others there when I went with Tae the other time." Jin commented.

I had no idea who he was talking about but I decided not to ask.

" So are you guys dating yet ?" Yoongi then asked out of the blue.

" What!?" Jin and I exclaimed at the same time.

" No, we are not..... Why would you think that? " I asked.

" No just... Wondering." Yoongi then said.

" Besides...... I'm not interested in dating right now...." I said not really sure of what I'm saying.

" Alright. " Jin said and drove faster.

His expression was cold. I've never seen him like this..... I made a big mistake here... The rest of the drive was extremely quiet. We arrived at the place. It was indeed in the middle of nowhere. The karaoke place was there but it was surrounded by wheat fields and the one small road that leads to the place. To my surprise, there was already a car parked in front.

We waited for the others to arrive and went inside. We got our room and as we were about to get in a voice called.

" Namjoon-ah!?" A voice called.

Namjoon let out a small sight. " Jackson?" He turned to greet the boy.

" Omg.... Rachel do you know who that is." Mia asked whispering.

I gave her the " how am I supposed to know " look.

" That's Jackson from Got7!! " She whispered existed.

I'm guessing this is another band....?

" Jackson what are you doing? Bambam is waiting for you." A red-haired boy said while looking at his phone while he was coming out of their karaoke room.

" Mark look it's BTS. " Jackson said. " Oh, this is great let's get a bigger room." Jackson then said and left making Namjoon run after him to see what he was up to.

The other members just greeted the one named Mark, I think....

" Mark-hyung, is Yugyeom here as well? " Jungkook asked when he greeted the boy.

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