43. Can You Turn Off Your Phone

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* Minjae pov *

I woke up really early today, I wanted to prepare myself to see Jin. We needed to talk straight away. I hope he cooled down a bit. I took my phone and decided to check what's going on in the world.

" Whats this?" I said as I looked at articles about Jin. I passed the article and went straight for the pictures. " Is that Eun Tak???" I asked out loud.

I was raging with anger, what the heck is this!? Eun Tak on his lips. I can't believe it! I stomped out of my room and went to the front door to put on my shoes.

" Where are you going?" Mia asked rubbing her eyes.

" I'm going to shoot someone....." I said and walked out the door.

" Minjae wait!! " I heard Mia behind me and then her running towards me. " What happened?"

" Look at this!" I handed her my phone in the elevator.

" Is that Jin!?" Mia asked.

" Yes! And that girl hanging on his lips is Eun Tak!"

" That's Eun Tak? Why is she kissing Jin?" Mia asked.

" That's what I would like to know....." I said as I called a taxi.

We got inside. " To the BigHit building please." I said and the taxi drove off.

Mia was reading the articles as we were driving to the building. My eyes twitched out of anger. I can't believe that guy. We arrived and paid the driver. When we got to the front door, I started banging on it.

" Yah! Kim Seokjin open up!" I banged on the front door. " Open the door!" I exclaimed.

" Minjae calm down......" Mia tried to calm me down

" Calm down no way! Yah open the god damn door!" I kept on banging on the door.

" Oh noona, what are you doing here so early?" Taehyung asked while opening the door.

" Where is he ?" I stormed inside.

" Hi, Taehyung I'm sorry for this...." Mia apologized.

" Kim Seokjin get out of where ever you are hiding!" I looked around the dorm for him.

" Whats all the commotion about? " A sleepy Namjoon walked in the living room. " Babe? What are you doing here?" He asked Mia when he saw her. " And why are you guys still in your pyjamas?"

Mia went and hugged Namjoon, he looked fluttered by her actions.

" Noona calm down.... " Taehyung tried to calm me down.

" Taehyung make sure that idiot is here in 3 seconds or I'm going to blow up!" I said losing my patience.

" No need for that..." Yoongi then said as he came out of the room with Jin.

" Yah! Kim Seokjin you mind explaining what the hell is going on?" I said as I showed him the articles. " Why is that girl hanging on your lips? "

I could see it in Jin's eyes, he was looking for an excuse. After a long moment of awkward silences and all the members gathering in the living room, Jin finally broke the silence.

" It just happened, we broke up yesterday and I felt lonely....." He avoided my eyes while saying this.

I stepped closer to him and slapped him right on his cheek. I could hear everyone gasping.

" Who do you take me for? Stop lying! " Jin eyes then widened and he looked at me. " I cannot believe you do not trust me enough. After all, we've been through you thought the best way to deal with this was to break up with me!? Does it look like I'm stupid enough to believe this stupid excuse you made up?"

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