18. Awake

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" Let's go!" Jimin exclaimed.

" Busaaaaaaan!" Jungkook screamed while entering the van. I couldn't help but smile at how excited they were.

We're leaving for Busan in two vans. One with the younger ones and one with the older ones. Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon in one van and Hoseok, me, Yoongi and Jin in the other. Miss Park came as well but she was in her own car.

It was decided like this at the meeting yesterday. I wanted to go with miss Park but Mr Bang thought it would be a great opportunity to bond with the boys a little. Yesterday they send me back home early so I could pack my stuff for the three-day trip. I decided I wouldn't call Mia because she's still on her honeymoon and I want to surprise her to death when she comes back. I hope she comes back soon. I'm happy I moved, now Mia and I live closer together.

With my head full of thoughts of Mia, I didn't notice that someone had already taken my duffle bag and put in in the van.

" Who took my bag ?" I asked Yoongi that was standing next to me.

" Jin- hyung took it a while ago and put in the van." He said.

" Oh.... I could have done it myself." I spoke to myself.

" Anyways let's go we're the last ones to go in the van." Yoongi said.

Jin and Hoseok where sitting in the back and Yoongi and I in the middle while the driver was in front, logically. It was a long drive. The fact that Jin and Hoseok where telling each other bad jokes didn't help. I looked at Yoongi that was starting to get annoyed at both of them but stayed quiet. Such patience.

" Here take this." He handed me a small device.

" How about you?" I asked as I saw it was a small mp3.

" I'm used to them. Just enjoy the music, it's ours." He said.

" Your songs?" I asked.

" Yes, a whole playlist of BTS songs. Enjoy." Yoongi said. I suddenly felt someone stare at me. I turned around to see that Jin was observing me and Yoongi.

" Thanks." I said to Yoongi before quickly putting on the earphones.

I was amazed at how talented the boys are. Those aren't your typical songs. The lyrics have meaning. They're about youth, life, love and all kind of real things.

Then this one song started to play. First the violin then this beautiful voice started to sing accompanied by the piano. As I listened to it the lyrics hit me, hard. A song about not giving up even if doomed to fail. Not give up even if fate has already decided. I could feel my eyes watering. Whoever this is, has had it hard and endured it. I looked at the screen and then I looked at Jin. I was amazed by the fact that he sang this. It was truly beautiful. It made me forget just a moment, that I was angry at him.

" Did you...." I asked him.

" Oh, you're listening to awake?" He asked me. " It was my first time composing, what do you think?"

" Beautiful." Is all I could say. I put my headphones back on and it was the only track I listened to until we got to Busan.

The hotel was very small, 2 rooms on each floor. Except for the first floor that had two rooms and one karaoke room. They choose this hotel on purpose so there would be no crazy fans sleeping with BTS. Yoongi and Namjoon shared a room and Jimin and Taehyung shared one as well. They were on the first floor. On the second floor was Hoseok and Jungkook that shared a room. Miss Park was also on that floor. She had a one person room. Jin and I were on the third floor because the third floor was the one with the rest of the one person rooms. Our rooms were facing each other. I went into my room and changed into my pyjamas. When I heard someone knock on my door. I opened the door.

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