9. Begin

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Taehyung Jin and I went down to the bar after I changed into something more comfortable. As we entered the bar, we heard a loud sigh. I turned around and saw it was the same bartender from the night I got carried by Jin. Guess he wasn't pleased to see us again.

We each ordered a drink and started talking. It was small talk like how old Taehyung is, what he liked to do in his free time. They seemed close, like brothers. It's nice to see that there are still colleagues like this. At my previous job we just ignored each other, I'm envious.

Nothing special happened, we just sat and drank. SeokJin and Targeting speaking to each, they weren't ignoring me, I just didn't want to speak. I still haven't figured out how close I want to be with Seokjinn. So I just drank instead, the boys trying to catch up to me.

* Author's pov *

As the night went on Rachel, SeokJin and Taehyung started to get extremely drunk. As Taehyung fell asleep on the seat, the other two started talking.

"He's cute like this isn't he?"

"Did you just call your colleague cute ?"

"Well we're more like brothers at this point. I saw him graduate and grow up to be the fine man he is now "
Seokjin said with a warm smile

"Its nice to see you treat him like this. Where I used to work people acted like they didn't know each other.''

"Used to work did you get fired?"

"Definitely not! There where some problems and I had to move... But I was extremely good at my job, my boss liked me a lot. She nearly cried when I had to leave."
Rachel tried to put on a mask and pretend it was okay, but she couldn't hide  her sadness.

"Were you sad you had to go?"

"No not really just the circumstances in which I had to leave weren't ideal."

"Should I ask about it? "Jin thought to himself." Maybe it's not easy for her to talk about it. I shouldn't ask." He shook his head and decided to ask another question to change the topic " When are you going back?"

"Oh in a few days I can't wait to see my mom again. I miss her so much." Rachel's face brightened up.

" What about your dad?"He didn't realize it straight away but when he saw the smile on Rachel's face disappear he knew he asked something he shouldn't have.

"My dad..... Huh! No not at all!" Her voice got louder "After all he put us through I never want to see his face again!"

Rachel got angry, and maybe it was the alcohol in her system, but she just couldn't hold it in.

"We had to move constantly because we were kicked out of apartments due to not paying rent on time. My mom got insulted by my grandmother because she thinks it's her fault. The whole process of changing my name in high school, which I got bullied for. Then my mom's abusive ex came along and made it even more difficult for her to live. We suffered through all this together just because he left. 15 years of suffering. So no I don't miss my dad."

Seokjin was speechless, his eyes widened as he heard Rachel's story. He didn't know what to do to cheer her up. He felt guilty for making her talk about this. " I'm sorry Rachel, I shouldn't have asked."

"Don't be sorry Jin it's not your fault. Let's just forget about it and drink." Rachel took her glass and emptied it in one go.

And that's what they did. They started taking all kinds of shots and drinks they got so drunk they probably wouldn't remember what happened the next day.

" Oh I have a great Idea! Let's play truth or dare!" Seokjin suggested.

" Oh sure I'll ask first!!" Rachel loved this game as she always played it with Mia. " Truth or dare Seokjinin?"

" I'm gonna go with..... Dare!"

Rachel thought a bit about what she should ask him to do, then she finally found it. " Prank call someone." Rachel said with a smirk.

" Oh." Seokjin was surprised but took out his phone anyways. He searched a bit and started calling and put the phone on speaker.

" Hellow this is Chicken's paradise for all your chicken needs how may I help you." The person on the line said.

" Hello, I have a few questions for you."

" Go ahead, sir."

" Do you have chicken legs?"

" Yes, sir."

" And do you have chicken feet as well?"

" Yes, sir."

" So is it hard to walk with those ?" Jin asked and both Seokjin and Rachel started laughing right away and hung up the phone. They were laughing so loud they woke up Taehyung without noticing. Taehyung just looked at them while still laying down.

" Truth or dare Rachel?"

" Truth!"

" How was your first kiss?"

" It was the worst, I was still in middle school and my crush kissed me. Seems nice doesn't it? Well, it wasn't! He kissed me in the school bathroom next to a freaking toilet, later I even found out he kissed me on a dare."

" Oh my god. Well, that's bad for a first kiss, but that just means your other ones couldn't be worse."

" What other ones? I never kissed anyone besides him, at this point I don't even know what kissing is. It's been too long to remember."

Shocked by this statement Seokjin wanted to know more.

" Wait does that mean you never dated?"

" Well no...."

" Why not? You are pretty and fun. It's so cool to hang out with you and you seem like a pretty decent girl."

They both were just staring at each other for a few seconds. For a moment everyone in the room disappeared and Rachel could only see Seokjin. Their heads are facing each other and are slowly getting closer to each other.

Taehyung couldn't believe the scene in front of him as he just stayed quiet and looked at the two drunk people just staring at each other. What happened next was only for Taehyung to see as he would keep quiet about this for the rest of his life.

Or so he thought...


Hiiiii guyss,

Well just wanted to thank you again for reading and explaining a bit what I did in this chapter.

I added author's pov. Do you like it? If you do I'll continue.

Thats all hope you enjoyed this chapter keep on reading I have big plans for Rachel and Jin 🙈🙉


Ps: I'm so excited for the new comeback I can't wait
This is me right now:

Ps: I'm so excited for the new comeback I can't wait This is me right now:

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