36. DNA Pt.1

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" Choi Minjae? " I froze, I haven't heard that name since my dad left. The only two people in the world that know that name are my mom dad. Not even Mia knows.....

" Is it really you? " The man asked.

I had no idea what to say, I looked at the man, then gave a look to Jin that said ' get me out of here '. He quickly understood that the man was bothering me.

" Excuse me do you have some kind of business with my girlfriend? " He asked in a slightly angry tone. My heart started to beat like crazy. It was the first time he called me his girlfriend.

" Minjae-ah it's me your uncle... Don't you remember....." He looked at me with a desperate look.

Flashback's of the time he went to visit suddenly came. This uncle was the only one who came to visit us, my mom used to say. He's my dad's older brother. Last time I saw him, I was five years old. Other family members didn't even bother. They hated us for taking away their precious child from home. I remember once my mom was on the phone with my grandma, I listened to it on the other line. She said my mom made sure she was pregnant with me so my dad wouldn't come back home. That I was just an excuse, and that my dad might not even be my dad. She basically called my mom a slut.

" I'm sorry but she clearly doesn't recognize you so...." Jin said and stood up.

" Just come here when you got time, alright...." He scribbled something down on a napkin and handed it to me.

I didn't want to take it, and Jin noticed. He took the napkin in my stead and fake smiled at my uncle.

" We'll see." Jin said, paid for our food and then took my hand and dragged me out of the restaurant.

The way back to the B&B was quiet, I didn't say a word. He would look at me from time to time in worry but stay silent as well. We arrived and went up to our room.

" I'll take a shower first." I said before quickly going to the bathroom and getting undressed.

I looked at myself in the mirror, the scar was still there. A knife pierced me, I almost died..... That all because he left us. I want nothing to do with that man. I crouched down and hugged my stomach, and before I knew it I started to cry.

* Author's Pov *

Jin was just laying on the bed when he heard her sobs from the bathroom, he was worried but he knew she wasn't ready to talk about it. Whoever that was at the restaurant must have shaken her up quite a lot.

A good hour later she came out of the bathroom with red eyes and dark circles. For some that just got out the shower, she did not look good.

" I got you some ice-cream." He smiled gently at her.

" What flavour?" She asked shyly.

" Cookie dough of course!" Jin exclaimed.

Her sad expression changed to a slightly happier one. " How did you know....."

" I asked Mia " Jin confessed.

It warmed Rachel's heart. He saw she wasn't feeling well and he made sure she was alright, he didn't even know what was going on. He truly is the best.

" Thanks...." She tried to take it from his hand.

" Not so fast." Jin stretched his hand so she couldn't reach it.

" Jin just give it~~~" she whined while jumping for the pint of ice-cream. After a while, she noticed that Jin was staring intensely at her. And slowly stopped jumping.

" Rachel, whenever you're ready I'll listen. It doesn't have to be now, nor tomorrow. Just know that I'll be there to listen...." He said before lifting up her chin with his other hand and placing a soft peck on her lips.

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