Extra Chapter: Wedding

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* Authors Pov *

They walked down the aisle arms linked. Two best friends, one of them is about to get married to the love of her life. She never thought she'd do this, After everything that has happened but she was happy she did. This man made her happy, they are different in so many ways yet they fit together perfectly.

He looked at both of the girls walking up to him as his band members sang an acapella version of their song Butterfly. He was nervous but amazed at the same time. She looked beautiful, even more, she looked unbelievably magnificent.

She handed her best friend over, but not before warning the soon to be husband.

" She's been hurt before, you do the same I'll cut you."

He was scared and looked at his best man. He gave his girlfriend a ' are you serious' look. She just lifted her shoulders and stood next to her best friend as her bridesmaids.

The ceremony went by beautifully, their vowels brought tears to the eye. Even cold Yoongi let out a little tear. When the moment came to put the rings on the fingers things didn't go so well. First of all, Taehyung thought he had lost them. Thankfully he found them behind Jimin where he had hidden them so he wouldn't lose them. Then when the rings were put on the fingers the groom was so nervous he dropped them.

" As expected of our leader." The best man said.

" Yah, help me out here!" Namjoon whispered.

Jin and Namjoon crouched down and looked for the ring while Mia just laughed a bit.

" You're so cute babe." She said.

" Found It!" Jungkook exclaimed.

When Namjoon took the ring from Jungkook the ceremony went on.

" Kim Namjoon, do you take Smith Mia to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live? " The priest said.

" I do." He said with full confidence.

"Smith Mia, do you take Kim Namjoon to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

" Hell yeah." She said took him and kissed him.

" You may kiss the bride, I guess." The priest rolled his eyes.


" I can't believe you did that." Minjae laughed at her best friend.

" I couldn't wait I was impatient." Mia said with a sheepish smile.

" I didn't mind." Jimin said.

" I'm happy I got married. It was hard to get here, to be honest." Namjoon sighted.

" Thanks again Minjae, if you weren't there, I don't know anyone who would have send me away." Mia said nearly crying.

" I still can't believe your family wouldn't come." Jin said.

" My dad is pissed that I'm getting married after what happened with mister lawyer. He was even more shocked when he found out that Namjoon was younger than me, he said we were too different from each other. He told me he won't pay a penny for this marriage and won't even walk me down the aisle." Mia sadly answered.

" Don't worry honey I'll talk to them, we'll go to the US and show them how much we love each other." Namjoon took her hand. " Now let's sit down and eat." He said and they all took place.

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