20. Hold Me Tight

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* Author's Pov *

Jin's eyes widened. "Sle...sleep here? Wh...whyy?" He studdered.

" I'm scared." Rachel said while looking at him with big eyes. " Usually if there is a spider in my room.... I sleep at my mom's place. Just one night. I'll sleep on the floor. I just.. can't handle this. I'm really scared."

Jin froze for a moment not knowing what to do. He looked at Rachel from head to toe. She was looking at the floor holding a pillow tightly and her feet are crossed.

" Su...sure come in." Jin said and opened the door further for Rachel to enter.

" Thanks." She said and slightly bowed.

She took out a blanket from the cabinet and laid it on the floor. She put her pillow on it. Before she could lay down, Jin stopped her.

" I'll sleep on the floor." He said.

" You have a photoshoot tomorrow, you need to rest well." Rachel answered him.

" I always look good don't worry." Jin said trying to convince her.

" Yah, I already feel bad for sleeping here don't make me feel worse!" She said while looking down.

" Alright, just don't catch a cold or something. Or I'd have to sleep next to you again." Jin said while smirking.

Rachel's face became as red as the circle on the Japanese flag. She quickly laid down and closed her eyes. Seeing her actions Jin smiled to himself and turned off the lights and went to lay down on his bed.

" Goodnight Rachel."

" Goodnight Jin."

There was a silence for a while before Jin turned on the nightlight on the bedside table.

" How come you are so afraid of spiders?" He asked her.

Rachel turned around to face Jin. She saw him in his bed staring at her. She can't explain what's going through her mind right now. If she was with anyone else she would just brush off the question. But with Jin, she just wanted to tell the truth. Even if it hurts.

" My mom's ex boyfriend, " she started." He was a nice guy, at first. My mom was always looking after me, so she decided to date someone nice, so if something happens to her one day, there would be someone to take care of me. She met him at a bar she was working in temporarily. They dated for a while and he seemed like worlds sweetest guy. When he asked my mom to move in with him, she had no idea what would come." Rachel's eyes started to water. She sat down with her back facing Jin and leaning against the bed. Her head facing down and hugging her legs. " He beat her up. Several times, in front of me sometimes he'd even throw a punch at me. He used to scream at me every time I did something, good or bad. Even when I did the dishes. He'd throw them on me or the floor. This one time, he was yelling at my mom again tried to beat her. I jumped in front of her, pushing him away. He didn't like my actions, so he took my hand and pulled me into this room. It was full of dead spiders on the wall. He had an interest in insects, especially spiders, he collected them. From that moment on. Every time I did something he didn't like he'd throw me in this room locking me up. From time to time he'd throw in some living spiders. So yeah I'm kind of terrified of them." She said while wiping away her tears." I was only 14, and still 10years after,... I'm still scared of them." She said while hugging her legs tighter and burying her face in her knees.

Jin didn't know what to say. He thought she'd be scared of spiders because they are insects and girls usually don't like them. But Rachel has been traumatized by them. He went out of his bed and sat down next to Rachel. He lifted his arm around her and hugged her tightly.

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