34. Go Go

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* Author's Pov *

Jin sat beside Rachel's bed. She was still sleeping soundly. He held her hand and stroked it gently with his thumb. Hoseok had brought her to her room after she fell unconscious. She must have been in such pain for her body to react like this. He explained everything that happened to Hoseok and Yoongi when he got back from his fight. They both let their hyung be alone with the girl.

A sudden draught went through the room because the window was open. Jin went to close the window and when he sat down he noticed the wind had blown in Rachel's hair, making a strand of hair cover her face. Jin pushed back the strand behind her ear, he couldn't let go of her face. His body just moved on its own, and before he knew it.....he placed his plump pink lips on hers and stole a kiss.

When he backed away he couldn't help but chuckle at his own actions. " I've really fallen for her haven't I. " He thought to himself. The boy then grabbed back Rachels' hand laid down his head on the bed. " What are you doing here?......"

Meanwhile, in Hoseok and Yoongi's room, someone was getting a big scolding.

" You went too far this time..... I cannot believe you did something like that, and I thought your apology towards Rachel was ....sincere" Hoseok said in disappointed.

" So what? she shouldn't be so close to him...." Eun Tak tried to defend herself.

" Close to him? Can you even hear yourself talk? If she wants to get close to him then she has the right to! Who are you to decide who hangs with him? " Yoongi snapped.

" I'm his fan! And she is bad for him, I only want the best for Jin!" Eun Tak exclaimed.

" Yah!" Yoongi scoffed. " How tf did she even get hired?" He asked sarcastically to Hoseok.

" Do you even realize what you did? " Hoseok asked her.

" So what she met someone she didn't like, big deal." Eun Tak rolled her eyes.

Yoongi's blood was boiling. He stood up and pushed Eun Tak against the wall, and grabbed her sweater by the collar. " Now listen here you lil piece of crap. You might have been hired by PD-nim but we will fire you when we get back home. Big deal you say? She fainted due to the extreme pain you caused her to have. That guy has been beating her up since she was a little girl, so yeah it's a fucking big deal. " He said in a deep scary voice.

He let go of her collar. " I'm going to get out of this room, or I might actually punch her in the face." With that, he left and slammed the door shut behind him.

" Wha..... I didn't..... She didn't say that......" Eun Tak felt the guilt building up.

" You did a bad thing, and that for what? So a girl wouldn't talk to Jin? What about all the other fans, just think about how you would react if someone did everything so you wouldn't talk to him...." Hoseok put her mind in question.

" I didn't mean for this to happen..... I just wanted her to hate him so she wouldn't approach him anymore....." She started to cry.

" Think twice before you act." Hoseok stated.

" Is.... Is she okay?" Eun Tak asked concerned.

" She will be eventu-"

" Hyung, Hyung!!!! Quickly come!! " Taehyung came barging in the room.

" What's wrong???" Hoseok ran towards him.

" Just quickly come." Taehyung's face was full of panic.

Hoseok and Eun Tak followed Taehyung running towards Rachels room. They all came in running in panic. Only to see Rachel talking to all the other members, except Jin who wasn't there, she looked okay.

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