41. Fire

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" What do you mean let's break up?" Minjae asked.

" Let's break up, let's not see each other anymore...." Jin bluntly said.

" Jin.... Why.... Let's talk about this." Minjae said and placed her hand on his.

" There's nothing to talk about." Jin said as he yanked away his hand. " It's over...." He looked up at her.

" Just like that!?" She exclaimed.

" Don't make this harder then it already is, just go. Leave and don't come back....."

" Are you serious, after everything that happened, you want us to break up just like that?" She said while crying.

" Minjae, just go. Leave me alone...." Jin said as cold as possible.

" No, why would I go, Jin I'm not letting you go.... Jin talk to me....... Please...." She sobbed.

" Go while I'm still being nice!" Jin raised his voice.

Minjae's eyes widened. That voice scared her, she never heard Jin like that. " We'll talk when you calmed down a bit alright....."

" No, this is the last time you'll ever say a word to me." He looked at her with cold eyes.

" Jin......" She whispered.

" You know what, I'll leave." Jin said and got up from his chair.

He left, he walked and turned around only to see a broken down Minjae kneeling on the floor. He wanted to take a step towards her but couldn't. He turned around and left her like that. A hand suddenly grabbed his arm. It was Yoongi, Jin just looked at him.

" Hyung....."

" Take care of her will you....." Jin said and walked away.

Yoongi went straight to Minjae. He crouched down next to her and put his hand around her waist.

" Minjae get up...." He said and stood up with her.

" He broke up with me......" She sobbed.

" I know...."

" Why, why..... Whyyyyy......" She cried and hit Yoongi's chest with her fist.

" I don't know....." He said and pulled her in for a hug

They walked out of the hotel and took a cab, Yoongi dropped her off at her apartment. And as soon as they got in Mia started to scold Minjae.

" Where have you been?? Do you know how worried I was when you left like that? How could you just lea-"

" Jin broke up with me...." Minjae said.

" Oh, no....." Mia said and took her into her arms.

" We'll leave now." Yoongi said and gestured Namjoon to go with him and they both got out of the apartment.

" Minjae what happened?" Mia asked holding her best friend in her arms.

" I don't know...... He didn't even give me a reason. He just wanted to break up...." Minjae sobbed.

" That not like him, why would he do that? Maybe he's joking?" Mia said.

" What kind of stupid joke is that.... And no he's not joking, you didn't hear him, Mia, he sounded dead serious...... He even raised his voice...... I got so scared..... I wanted to talk to him.... But he won't let me." Minjae said in-between her sobs.

" Look RayRay , this is not Jin. We both know that he wouldn't do something like this...." Mia said.

Minjae's sobs disappeared. Mia was right, this isn't like Jin at all! She has to find out what happened, Minjae was burning up with determination. Their flame isn't burned out, it's still glowing. And just like Jin didn't let go of her while she was depressed. Minjae will not let go of Jin.

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