13. Does That Make Sense?

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I woke up from my 24hr nap and put on my glasses to check my phone. It's this reflex, when I'm at home it's the first thing I do, check my phone..... I got two messages. One from Mia and one from an unknown number.

Mia : " Hiiiiiii how are you sweetie I miss you :( did you get home safe RayRay ? Say hi to your mom for me. ,,

I chuckled when I read her message. It's so nice of her to think of me when she's on her honeymoon.

I answered : " Yes yes I got home safe thanks for the concern MiaMouse <3. ,,

I checked the message from the unknown number.

Unknown number: " Hey, did you get home safe? Did you feel like a bird in the plane? ~ V ,,

I thought about it for a while and I only know one person that would ask such a strange question.

So I answered " Yes Taehyung I got home safe thanks for asking. And no I slept the whole time in the plane --" ,,

I put my phone away and got dressed to go see my mom. I wanted to eat breakfast with her. We had breakfast together and I went back up to enjoy my few days of vacation before I go back to work.

* Author's Pov *

" HYUNG RACHEL CAME BACK HOME SAFE." Taehyung screamed in the dorm to Jin.

" Oh great that she's safe............ TAE HOW DO YOU KNOW?! " Jin asked Taehyung while stomping out of the bathroom with only a towel around him.

" And why are you screaming this all over the dorm. What if the others find out." He whispered to Taehyung.

" Relax hyung. They're all recording." Taehyung said. Or so he thought, what Taehyung didn't know is that Hoseok was still in his room.

" Yah, how did you know she's home!?" Jin asked again.

" I have her phone number." Taehyung said while smiling nonchalantly.

" What? How? Why did she give it to you and not to me? Did I scare her that much?" Jin started to ask.

" Well, you did try to kiss her....." Taehyung said with a mischief face.

Hoseok couldn't believe what he heard. Who's Rachel? Why does Taehyung have her number? Jin tried to kiss her? Just what happened at that hotel.

" She didn't give it to me, I took it with force if that makes you feel any better." Taehyung said to reassure Jin.

" So if I got this right, Taehyung forced this girl Rachel to give her number, and you tried to kiss her Jin hyung ? " Hoseok said while revealing himself.

Jin and Taehyung froze at the sight of Hoseok's face with a big smirk.

Jin just stared at Hoseok. He wanted to keep quiet about this not because he thought the members would laugh but because he'll probably never see Rachel again. If he told the members about it, they might feel sorry for him. He didn't want to worry them about such a matter. He thought he should just keep his feelings hidden from the others. He's the oldest he should worry more about the others.

" I met this girl." Jin started to explain. Hoseok came closer to Jin and started to listen carefully. Jin explained everything, even the things Taehyung didn't know. He explained how she took off his glasses and mask. How he carried her to her room after that, and then lied about it. How they got drunk and spend the night together because she was sick. How they played video games together and had one of Jin's best days. How they drank together with Taehyung. And finally their day together before she left to go back home......

" You spend the night with her?!" Hoseok and Taehyung said at the same time.

" She was sick. I couldn't just leave her like that." Jin replied

" Jin imagine if this girl is a fan. What if she has pictures." Hoseok said with a serious expression.

" I had no idea she didn't know who I was. Even if she was a fan I would have done what I did because it's her. She makes me do stuff I wouldn't usually do. Does that make sense? " Jin asked.

" It doesn't." Hoseok said but his expression changed from serious to happy. " But then again love doesn't make sense. Just enjoy it for the time being." He then said.

" How can I enjoy it when she's not with me?......." Jin sighed.

Meanwhile, the other members who where recording got some news.

" Guys in a few weeks we will have a very talented new staff member. She will be helping you guys with interview translations and she'll be going abroad or on tour with you guys." Their manager said.

" Really oh that's amazing, less work for me." Namjoon said to the members.

" She must be really experienced to be able to work here. " Yoongi said.

" This lady must be amazing." Jungkook said while imagining a mid 40's woman.

" Hope you guys treat her well when she will arrive here." The manager said.

" We will don't worry you know us right?." Jimin said to reassure the manager.

They all went back to the dorm and told the news to the other members



A chapter with mainly the boys. Because last Chapter was only Rachel so I felt like I owe you guys. Lol

( The gif is J-Hope's reaction when Jin asked if it made sense. But tbh it's just pure perfection 😍)

Hoped you enjoyed this too.
Thanks for reading 😳😳



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