38. First Love

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* Author's Pov *

" How is she ?" Jin asked when he got inside the apartment.

" The same, she didn't say a word. Nothing came out of her....." Mia answered.

" Did she eat?" Jin asked.

" No, I left some food next to her bed but she didn't touch it. Jin..... She never acted like this, even when she was sad she'd cry, her mom and I would try to comfort her. But now.... She's mute, not a word or emotion is coming out of her. Her mom came to visit this morning....." Mia said concerned.

" What happened?" Jin asked.

" She didn't even talk to her mom..... Jin it's scaring me I've never seen her like this....." Mia nearly cried.

After hearing all this, Jin was contemplating whether he should give her the letter or not. He thought she might act even worse than now. He already gave the letter to Miss Johnson, but he's not sure about Rachel.....

He went to her room, there she was, laying in bed. She looked terrible. Pale and dry skin, hair in a mess. He came closer, he hugged her but she didn't move one bit.

" How are you feeling?" He tried to talk to her.

No response.

" I wanted to come earlier, but I had some stuff at the company....."

" Did you eat?"

" Do you want to go out?"

" Let's go to the park jagi...."

No response at all.

All of Jin's efforts where in vain, she didn't respond to anything...... It was like talking to a doll. He cleaned up a bit around her and opened the window.

" Get some fresh air alright, I'll be back tomorrow." He said and left.

That night he couldn't sleep. Seeing Rachel like this made him sleepless. He kept on thinking of ways to get her to talk or move or anything. He kept on shifting in his bed and making a lot of noise.

" Hyung, I'd like to sleep so would you mind and like not move so much...." Yoongi said.

" Sorry, I just don't know what to do anymore. She looked so sad...." Jin said.

" At a time like this, all you can do is be there for her. Hope that one day she will snap out of it and when she does you'll be next to her, giving the comfort she needs..." Yoongi said.

" That's..... I never expected this from you...." Jin said in shock.

" Hey I'm a genius in all aspects, now lemme sleep!" Yoongi said and closed his eyes.

The next day Jin did exactly what Yoongi said. He stood by her side and tried to make conversation. Day by day Jin would drop by and see how she's doing. Not much has changed and after a week Jin decided it was time to give her the letter.

" If I give her the letter, she might give us a reaction...." He thought.

He knocked on the door of her room and got in.

" Jagi, let's go out today! Let's go get some fresh air." Jin said as he walked towards her bed.

As always there was no reaction, but this time Jin grabbed the covers and threw them away. He took her hand and grabbed her out of bed. They went to the living room and he took her coat put it on her and did the same with her shoes.

" We're leaving for a bit !" Jin exclaimed.

Mia was shocked he got her out of bed. Or even going out, she was happy to see that Jin took such good care of her.

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