37. DNA Pt.2

705 38 71

( a/n warning: some heavy stuff is coming )

We were in bed, I kept shifting. First I'm still not used to sleep next to this handsome man, second I'm going to see my dad for the first time in 15years. I'm so nervous.

" Jagi, stop moving so much...." Jin said with his eyes closed.

" I'm sorry..... I just can't help it...."

With that, he pulled me closer and hugged me. I calmed down instantly. He just had that effect on me. How could I have waited this long to be with him? We belong together..... With those thoughts, I fell asleep.

* Author's Pov *

The next morning, Jin woke up before Rachel to talk to Mia and Namjoon. He explained to them that they could go ahead of them and that Jin would grab a cab with Rachel later. Being the friends they are they didn't ask questions and just agreed.

Rachel woke up, not feeling the warmth. Her eyes sprung open. She panicked when she saw Jin wasn't there. She looks around the room for him. Then the door opened.

" Oh, you're awake." He smiled at her.

" Jin..... Don't do this to me." She said shyly.

" Do what....? "

" Don't leave me like this.... Don't leave me...." It was her time to say it.

" Of course not, jagi.... I'd never leave you...." He said and hugged her.

They both got dressed and ready to go out. They called a cab and gave them the address. It was a regular house. The doorbell rang, an old lady opened the door. She was shocked at the girl before her.

" Minjae....." The woman said, tears almost falling.

" Eomma? Who's at the door? " Another woman asked, she walked up to the door. She looked young maybe in her thirties. " Omo, is that Minjae....." The other woman said in a surprising tone.

" Why don't you come in." Her uncle then said from behind. " I just did some groceries, I'm going to prepare dinner...."

" Anyeong-haseo, I'm Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you." Jin bowed.

Rachel hasn't uttered a word since they arrived.

" Omo such a handsome young man, come on in...." The old lady said.

They all got inside the house. There where pictures everywhere. Pictures of Rachel.... Recent ones. Where did they come from.... Rachel thought when she looked around.

Jin noticed that as well. He could recognise some of the pictures from the time Rachel's mom showed her the photo album full of Rachels pictures.

" Dinner will be ready in half an hour!" Rachel's uncle exclaimed.

" Would you two like some tea?" The younger woman asked.

" Sure." Jin smiled.

They all sat down at in the living room. While the lady made some tea.

" This must be confusing for you...." The old woman spoke. " When Kangsoo said he saw you I couldn't believe it. But here you are.... My only grandchild." She said with a sad yet happy tone. " Minjae...." She looked at her.

" It's Rachel now...." Rachel said.

" Rachel... Your aunt and I are very sorry we didn't come visit. We wish we had seen you and your mom more often......"

" We really are sorry," the younger woman said when she placed down the tea. " My only niece, we wished we'd feel sorry sooner."

Rachel didn't say anything, what made them change their mind so that they would feel this way?

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