17. What Am I To You?

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" Rachel...." Jin looked at me with sad and guilty eyes. " I'm sor- "

" Hi I'm Rachel, I'm going to be working with you guys." I cut him off. Pretending not to know him.

" Rachel what ar- "

" So Jin tell me about yourself. Have any hobbies? Except for lying and deceiving of course." I said while giving him a fake smile.

" I'm sorry you had to find out like this." He said.

" That's what Tae said. Yet I wonder. If I didn't find out like this, how would I have found out? Did you ever plan to tell me?" I asked.

His eyes widened and he was speechless.

" Seeing your reaction, I guess not." I said.

" How was I going to tell you? We'd never see each other again." He defended himself.

" So It's okay to lie to strangers? Never going to see them again is a valid excuse to lie to them?" I said.

And again speechless.

" This isn't the first time either. You lied when you carried me to my room for god knows what reason. And now this. Lying is really your hobby isn't it." I said with anger.

" No, I'm sorry..... At that time I thought you knew who I was. You came up to me taking off my glasses and cap. I thought you did that because you knew I was an Idol. I thought I'd be better to have you think that the bartender carried you, to avoid you embarrassing yourself. But then.... You didn't know who I was. Rachel, you felt refreshing. I could talk to you without being judged for who I was, you didn't want anything from me. I could be myself around you. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I truly am. Forgive me, will you?" Jin explained.

" What am I to you, a tool for you to use to cheer yourself up. Well, that's nice." I said sarcastically out of pure anger. I know I shouldn't have, and to be honest I'm kind of surprised myself that I did say it. Jin clearly had his reasons, and yet here I am still getting angry at him for some reason. He hurt me, more than I thought.

" No Rachel, don't think that. You weren't a tool you-"

" Guys it's time to meet the boss." Jin got cut off again. This time by miss Park, we had to meet Mr Bang.

As we stepped out of the room the other 6 boys were already there. I could see that Taehyung and Hoseok where staring at us as they noticed my angry face and Jin's guilty one.

" Did you guys fight?" Tae whispered as we walked up to the bosses office.

" No. I just said what I had to say..... Then I said something stupid. I'm trying to forgive, but I'm just so mad at him for lying to me." I said.

" Don't worry too much Rachel, you'll forgive him with time." Hoseok jumped into the conversation.

I turned my gaze to Taehyung. " Do all of you know? That Jin and I already met at the hotel?" I asked him.

" I overheard Jin-hyung and Taehyung talking in the dorm." Hoseok said. Making me look at Taehyung with a stern look.

" Sorrryyy~~" Taehyung said scratching the back of his head and smiling sheepishly.

" No one else knows. " Hoseok assured me.

" Oh, that's good. I don't like it when there's much attention on me." I said feeling assured only Hoseok knew.

We arrived at the bosses office. We went in and al bowed slightly to say hello.

" Guys, Rachel. You guys are going to Busan for a few days. The boys have a photo shoot and this is a great opportunity to see if going to a hotel with you guys and Rachel will work. She is on probation so if this doesn't work out we'll need to find someone else." Mr Bang said.

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