Got7 Reacts to You Surprising Them With Flowers After a Concert

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1. Mark

  When Mark sees you, his eyes would light up. He would get one of his super cute smiles on his face and make his way too you as soon as he possibly can. He would easily forget that the other members are there, hugging you tightly. He would be extremely careful not to get the flowers caught between the two of you.
  "You're so sweet Jagiya! I'm glad you could come! I've missed you!" Mark's cute smile never leaves his face as he looks down at you.   

2. Jaebum

  Jaebum would immediately become shy when he sees you waiting for him backstage. He would duck his head when he saw you, surprised to see you. His face would be a little red as he approaches you. He would give you a shy smile and a small hug, very conscious of the fact that the other members can see him.
  "No one told me you were coming Jagi," Jaebum admits, biting his lip," Sorry, I was just really surprised."  

3. Jackson

  Jackson's reaction would be a little...... extra. He would give a dramatic little scream shout of surprise as he rushed toward you. He would wrap his arms around you, almost crushing the flowers as he jumped around, holding on to you.
  "Jagiya! I'm so glad to see you! It's feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" Jackson says excitedly, continuing to jump up and down.  

4. Jinyoung

  Jinyoung would have the most reserved response out of everyone. He's happy to see you but he also tends to be reserved about his image in front of his band members. He would definitely be smiley when he walked up to you and you handed him the flowers.
  "Thank you, Jagiya. You really shouldn't have," Jinyoung says softly, offering you smile that is meant just for you.  

5. Youngjae

  Youngjae would be all shy and giggly the second that he saw you. When he sees the flowers in your hands, he might become a tiny bit teary eyed. He would have a hard time meeting your eyes as he approaches you. He would be extremely grateful to see you and glad you came to the show.
  "Thank you, Jagiya," He says softly, shyly meeting your eyes," I'm glad you could come."  

6. BamBam

  BamBam would rush over to you, a huge smile on his face. He would take the flowers from you and press a small kiss to your cheek. He would definitely be the one most likely to show off, dragging you around to show off your gift to the other members with a huge smile on his face. His expression would grow fond whenever he looked over at you, which is why everyone else put up with it.
  "Mark-hyung, look! Isn't my Jagiya the best?" BamBam grins at you, wrapping an arm around your waist.  

7. Yugyeom

  Yugyeom would remain casual about the whole situation. He would just casually walk over to you and hug you, taking the flowers from you. He would lean down and give you a quick kiss. He would be the most casual member with the whole situation, just acting like it was any other day.
  "Thank you, Jagiya," Yugyeom pulls you close to his side, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.  

A/N: Time to do the Got7 spam! Yay!

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