Yugyeom Scenario: Drinking

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Request: Can you do a scenario where mc and yugyeom fight but then they make up afterwards <3 Thanks

     You were trying really hard to keep your temper in check. You had gotten off of work early to go to the dorm and cook dinner for the guys. Yugyeom had told you that everyone was coming home immediately after the work since they had been working really hard all week. You had worked hard to make sure that there would be enough food for the 6 coming back to the dorm. Jackson was visiting for the night and sleeping in Mark's room since he's been really busy lately.
     Things didn't go to plan though. What Yugyeom had failed to tell you that everyone decided to go drinking after work. He also failed to tell you that he would be coming home completely hammered. Drunk Yugyeom is a bit loud and expressive, more so than when he's just his normal self. You couldn't help but feel furious at the sight. The two of you stepped outside while the others dug into the food that you had prepared, which you had painstakingly warmed back up.
      "What's up?" Yugyeom gives you a confused look, his words mostly intelligible.
     "Why didn't you tell me you guys were going to go out after work? I spent a lot of time preparing dinner for you guys and you didn't even show up," You keep your temper in check for now, just showing minor irritation.
     "Jackson-hyung suggested we go drinking. It's not a big deal. I'm an adult," Yugyeom shrugs, as if your hurt feelings mean nothing to him.
     "You could have said something! You didn't tell me where you had gone! I was really worried that something had happened and I wouldn't have had to spend a lot of time getting this dinner ready just for no one to show up," You can't help but raise your voice a little, unable to control yourself.
     "Well, it's not like you don't make us dinner all the time and it's not often we get to go drinking with Jackson-hyung. It was a no brainer," You can feel your eyes widen at his words. The muscles in your jaw tighten painfully as you struggle to keep yourself from yelling at him. He's drunk and he's not going to be feeling rational.
     You shove past him and go inside to gather your things. You had originally planned to stay at the dorm tonight but that was obviously out of the question. You gather your stuff and say a quick goodbye to everyone. Yugyeom doesn't look up from his plate of food, so you just chew on your bottom lip and leave the dorm. A hand lands on your shoulder before you're all the way out. You look back to see Jinyoung.
     "You shouldn't be walking home this late. Allow me to drop you off," He offers you a kind a smile.
      "You guys are probably exhausted. I wouldn't want to make you drop me off," You say softly, not meeting his eyes. Jinyoung rolls his eyes.
      "I didn't drink any and it's not that far. It will give me some peace of mind," Jinyoung holds up his keys. You nod your head and let Jinyoung drive you back to your apartment.
      You go to bed immediately, needing to just stop thinking about it. You wake up early, with only a few hours of sleep under your belt. You eat a small breakfast and then make your way to your apartment's gym complex. Sometimes, you need to just run off your emotions. You stretch some and then hop on a treadmill, spending nearly an hour in there. By the time you're done, you're panting. You collapse on an empty workbench and drink some water, finally feeling a little calmer.
      "Hey," A soft voice says from behind you. You turn your head to see Yugyeom, a hat, sunglasses, and face mask settled in place.
      "How did you know where to find me?" You stand and tuck the hair that got loose behind your ear.
     "You always run off bad emotions. I just... wanted to apologize for last night. I should have called you or I shouldn't have went drinking, or.... well, there are a lot of things I should have done differently. Really, what I should have changed was my attitude. I took you for granted and I'm really sorry Jagi. Please, forgive me?" Yugyeom pleads. His next move shocks you as he bows before you, his forehead touching his hands.
     "Yugyeom, please get up. Other people can see you," You grab his arm, trying to pull him up but you aren't successful.
     "Not until you forgive me," Yugyeom says stubbornly.
     "Fine, fine! I forgive you! Now, please get up!" You can't help but laugh at him, pulling him to his feet. He grins and hugs you tightly.
     "I'm so sorry, baby," His breathe warms your ear as you relax in his arms, taking in his familiar and enticing scent as your head rests on his chest.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I'm not sure if I'll post again today because I'm supposed to go to Jamie's. We'll see, I guess. I hope you guys like it!

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