Got7 Reacts to You Being Randomly Physically Affectionate

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Request: Got7 reaction to their s/o being really affectionate randomly like kissing their cheeks or smooching their lips and giving back hugs when they least expect it

1. Mark

     Honestly, Mark doesn't seem like the type to be bothered by it. He's a pretty physically affectionate person so he's not really bothered. He doesn't really mind PDA but he may not always be the one to initiate it. He's not at all bothered by it as long as it's not an inappropriate situation or he is doing something very important. 

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum would either be all for it or against it depending on when it occurs. He gets a little blushy and nervous if you do it while he's around the other members. When it's just you two around the house, he's all for it and he might even just turn around and kiss you or something since he strikes me as the physically affectionate type when you're at home together. 

3. Jackson

     Jackson is all for this kind of life. He is the most physically affectionate member of Got7 so he might take this as a challenge. He would keep tally of the number of times that you do something like that so he can try and get you back, even when he's on tour. He'll leave cute messages around the house for you to find when he's on tour. 

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung might be he most adverse about this particular situation. He's not the most overly physically affectionate person in general. At home, I think he wouldn't really mind it but he would not tolerate it around the other members. He won't get angry but he would kindly ask you not to do that while he's around the other members because he will never hear the end of it. 

5. Youngjae

      Youngjae is a pretty physically affectionate person when it comes to his loved ones, so he would probably be okay with it at home. Around the members, he would become shy and blushy. He won't tell you to stop, but he's definitely going to get teased for the way he acts when you do something like that. 

6. BamBam

     BamBam is another one whose not bothered at all. If anything, it makes him cocky around the other members. At home, he becomes a pile of mush, but around the other members, he's showing off. He's playing it up in a manner that says that he has the best girlfriend in world and that the other members should be jealous of it since he's a little shit. 

7. Yugyeom

     He's another one whose reaction would change depending on where he is. If he's at home, he's probably startled and blushing whenever you do it. On the other hand, if he's around the members, he plays it off as if nothing happened and not even acknowledging it. He's hoping that he'll avoid the teasing if he doesn't react, as if Jinyoung would ever let something like that happen and not say something about it. 

A/N: Ugh, I'm sleepy now. Probably because I haven't done anything all day.....

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