Got7 Reacts to You Speaking Italian

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Request: Hey can you do a Got7 reaction to their Italian s/o speaking in Italian really fast right in front of them please? ❤

1. Mark

     Mark is curious more then anything. He would ask if maybe you could teach him some Italian. He has an affinity for languages and would love to learn a language that's comfortable for his S/O. Even if he's a quiet person, he's always big on communication.

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum is a tiny bit shook. He knew that you spoke Italian but he had never heard you speak it before. He probably won't broach the topic, honestly. He just lets it go.

3. Jackson

     Jackson is another one that wants to learn the language. I feel like he just secretly wants to know all the languages ever. It feels that way, anyway. He enjoys the ability to communicate with people from all over the world.

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung thinks it's kind of cute but he won't say anything. He likes listening to people speak even if he won't admit it. He also likes to listen to himself speak so he will probably ask you what it was that you were talking about.

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae is a little bit surprised as well. He has never heard you speak it before so some small part of him is trying to translate what he thinks you're talking about in his head. It's probably all kinds of wrong and he won't say anything about his little interior speech.

6. BamBam

     BamBam thinks it's kind of funny. He's never gotten to listen to you speak it so he's just enjoying the moment. He might tease you a little about how some of the words sound, but only the ones that he can pronounce.

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom doesn't say anything. While he hasn't heard you speak it before, it's just like hearing any other language he can't speak. He doesn't understand so his brain just floats off.

Notes: I mean, I'm basically getting kicked out of my house tonight but whatever. At least J doesn't really care.

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