Got7 Reacts to Seeing Your Self Harm Scars

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Request: Can you do a Got7 reacts to self harm scars

1. Mark

They break Mark's heart. Even if he can be quiet sometimes, he always takes care of his members. If you are ashamed of them, he would press small kisses to your scars. He would never shy away from them, accepting that they are a part of you.

"Never try to hide your darker sides from me. They are a part of who you are and it won't push me away," Mark says softly, pressing a feather light kiss to your forehead.

2. Jb

Jaebum is in shock. He never saw you as he kind of person to have those kind of scars. He wouldn't press you to tell him about them, instead waiting for you to tell him in your own time. Once you did, his eyes would fill with sadness.

"I'm sorry, Jagi," Jaebum says softly, hugging you tightly as his face buries in your shoulder. These are the only words he can manage. 

3. Jackson

Jackson is one of the few who would probably cry. He cries at the mere thought of the pain you had to endure to gain those scars, both mentally and physically. He would probably just want to hold you for a while as he tries to calm down.

"I love you baby. You know that, right?" Jackson won't address the scars for now. He does want to know the story but not right now. 

4. Jinyoung

Jinyoung is the only one who wouldn't have an outward reaction. He's always been a very accepting, even if he does make fun of his members, so he just accepts them. He doesn't cry over them because they are a part of your past and they cannot be changed, only accepted.

"You're beautiful, Jagiya. No matter what," Jinyoung smiles warmly at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear

5. Youngjae

Youngjae is someone else who would be filled with sadness and shock. He would want to see them all, examining them all closely, like he's memorizing them. His fingers would trace them softly as he does, never saying a word. It would probably make you nervous until he finally lets you go.

"These scars made you. Not by themselves, but they played a part in making you who you are. I was just thanking them for giving me my amazing Jagiya," Youngjae gives you a small kiss, his eyes filled with his always present kindness. 

6. BamBam

BamBam is the one person who would ask for the full story right then. These scars do make him sad and he won't pretend that they don't, but he knows that there's a story behind everything. He wants to know the whole story so he doesn't get sad without reason. He would listen intently, hanging on to your every word.

"Something like that will never happen again. I love you, Jagiya," BamBam kisses you, his hands cupping your face gently. 

7. Yugyeom (I'm sorry that Yugyeom's is different but I really feel like he would be speechless.)

Yugyeom is the other person I see crying. Yugyeom cries pretty easily and he would be unable to contain his tears at that point. He would be unable to do anything other then just sit there and look at them for a while. He's mostly just trying to wrap his head around them and he's sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. He's also the only one I see not being able to say anything in them moment, just holding you and trying to relax. Strange as it may seem, you may be comforting him. This may be a good thing for some of you though because you enjoy getting to see all sides of the people you care about.

A/N: So, this is probably one of the most over said things ever, but I really love talking to you guys and I really hope you'll reach out to me if you ever need someone to talk to. I'm a good kpop meme spammer XD. I literally sent my best friend 121 pictures in one afternoon because she called me crying. Just, you know, putting it out there. I don't feel like anyone should ever feel alone, it's the worst feeling in the world. Trust me, I know. 

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