Got7 Reacts to You Being Catcalled and It Triggers You

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Notes: Hiii! Can you do a got7 or BTS reaction to you having a breakdown/panic attack because someone cat called you at the store and it triggered you? (Sorry something like this happened and I thought this might make me/other people feel better 😅)

1. Mark

     Mark would be super pissed that anyone thought it was okay to talk to you that way. He wouldn't want to cause a scene though, so he would just take your hand and squeeze it, quietly leading you from the store. He would get into the backseat of the car and pull your back against his chest, just holding you.
     "We'll go back in after a while. For now, just let me hold you so we can both catch our breathe," Mark says softly in your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder," I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to stop that, baby."  

2. Jaebum

      Jaebum would snap at the person, his expression livid. His anger would make him want to yell at that person for a long time, but he knew that he needed to take care of you. He would lead you to the car and drive you both home, trying to cool his anger. At home, he would slump on the couch and release a sigh, closing his eyes and leaning his head back on the couch. After a moment, he would open his eyes and hold his hand out to you.
     "Come here, baby," He would take your hand and pull you against his side, rubbing his hand up and down your arm," I'm sorry, Jagi. I shouldn't have gotten so angry. Are you okay? Assholes like that shouldn't be allowed to go outside around other people."  

3. Jackson

     Jackson would want to be angry but he knows that his anger won't fix anything. He would take you to an empty part of the store and just hold you for a while, rubbing his hand up and down your back. Once you feel a little better, he would get everything you needed and drive you both back home. Back in your apartment, he would sit you on the couch and lean down to press a soft kiss against your lips.
     "I'm going to go make dinner. Just find a movie or show you want to watch and I'll bring it to you when it's done. Food always helps you feel better," Jackson smiles his cheeky little smile and kisses you one more time," I'll be in the kitchen if you need me.   

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung would not be happy, but he wouldn't end up yelling. Mama Jinyoung wants to lecture the idiot on the proper way to talk to another living person, but protective boyfriend Jinyoung knows that now is not the time to do that. He would take your hand and squeeze it and press a kiss to the back of your hand. He would drive to your favorite ice cream shop and buy you whatever you wanted and then stop at your favorite restaurant to order dinner.
     "We can cuddle on the couch and have dinner. After dinner, I'll give you a shoulder massage if you want," Jinyoung reaches out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, his fingers brushing your cheek," It'll help you relax and forget about that dumbass. They're just jealous that I have the perfect Jagiya."  

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae is not a confrontational person so he would be upset that he can't stand up to someone who disrespected you like that. He would buy what you came for and load up the car, his expression dejected. He would be internally berating himself for not being stronger. At home, he would hug you as tightly as he could, just holding you for a while.
     "I'm sorry that I'm not stronger, Jagi," Youngjae breathes, his voice shaky," I'm sorry that I couldn't stand up to him, that I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I promise to be better in the future and to do my best to protect you. Next time this happens, call me, text me, facetime me, whatever you can manage and I will be there as soon as I can. I don't care if I'm on tour or a show, I will do whatever I can to be there for you."  

6. BamBam

     Lets just say, if looks could kill, BamBam would be a murderer. He would stare the asshole straight in the eyes as he gives you the most passionate kiss he possibly could, his expression challenging the idiot to say anything else. He would put his arm around you and tuck you against his side, leading you out of the store. He would lean against the car, still holding you in his arms.
     "So, here's what's going to happen. You're going to forget about that asshole and I'm going to take you shopping for some new clothes. Then you're going to get dressed up and wear that dress that you haven't had an excuse to wear yet and we're gonna go to a really nice dinner, okay?" BamBam presses butterfly kisses along your jaw before letting you go so he can hold the car door open for you.  

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom is about ready to fight a bitch, but He knows that it will just cause more problems for you. He would end up driving you both to the dorm, which would confuse you. He would lead you inside and sit you in front of their tv, handing you a controller. He would turn on a zombie game, taking his own controller and sitting next to you.
     "Whenever I'm upset, I don't like to be alone and I usually want to kill things, so, we're killing two birds with one stone. You just keep killing things and I'll keep you alive. I texted Jungkook and he's going to pick up snacks and drop by later," Yugyeom brushes his thumb along your jawline, meeting your eyes," It's better to be surrounded by people who love you than to listen to the words of some idiot spewing nonsense. Trust me on this one? You know Jungkookie and I will help you relax."  

A/N: Doing this lets me revisit some of the stuff that I wrote toward the start of my blog and it's kind of interesting to see how my reactions have evolved.

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