BamBam Scenario: Christmas

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Request: See I'm having like an ask block. All I know is I want more cute stuff to read for bambam. Maybe some Christmas fluff?

     Christmas was only a few days away. Unfortunately, your work was only giving you three days off for Christmas and that wasn't nearly enough time for you to fly home and spend it with your family. Your boyfriend, Kunpimook, would be leaving tomorrow to visit his family for a few days in Thailand. This meant you were going to be alone for Christmas. You sort of hated that since it would be your first ever Christmas alone.

     "Baby," Arms wrap around your waist from behind as a small kiss is placed on your neck," You seem to be thinking pretty hard about something."

     "Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. Just daydreaming," You turn in his arms and wrap your arms around his waist," How was your day?"

     "It feels better to be home," Kunpimook says simply, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

     "Do you have everything ready for your flight tomorrow?" He must have just finished dance rehearsal because his hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat. He normally takes a shower before he leaves the studio so he much have been in a rush to come home.

     "I need to pack but I can do that later," Kunpimook presses a soft kiss to your lips," I'm going to take a quick shower. If you have any work to finish, go ahead and do that because you won't have time later."

     While Kunpimook took his shower, you finished up some paperwork and submitted it to your boss. You leaned back in your chair and sighed. You hated that you couldn't go home. You hadn't been home since last Christmas so you haven't seen your family in a year. I guess this a part of that whole growing up thing they talk about so much. Kunpimook comes out of the bathroom dressed in his casual clothes with his hair dampening the collar of his shirt.

     "C'mon," Kunpimook grabs your hand, dragging you to your living room. Your eyes widen when you see the state of your living room. Kunpimook must have been at work for a while. You usually have your headphones in when you work from home so you didn't hear him come home earlier then he promised.

     He had taken his time decorating your living room with a Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations. Not only was there a very well decorated Christmas, but he had put up indoor Christmas lights and hung them from your ceiling. They were shaped like snowflakes and part of you can't believe that this is really your living room.

     "I know that we promised to exchange presents today so I figured that our apartment should look like it's Christmas. That way, when I leave tomorrow, you can look at it all and know that you didn't spend Christmas alone, we had our own little Christmas, just the two of us," Kunpimook pulls you against him, hugging you tightly," I just don't want you to feel lonely."

     "Thank you. It's perfect. I'l be okay, I promise. Don't worry about me," You give him a warm kiss, running your fingers through his wet hair," Come on, lets exchange presents now."

A/N: That's it for today! I'll post more in the next coming days and weeks, but this is all I have written for now!

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