Yugyeom Scenario: Friends With Benefits *SMUT*

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Request: hello can i ask for a smut like friends with benefits w got7 Yugyeom and a reader being a noona?! and if a could ask for more maybe the same but w Jinyoung and a noona?! or maybe both w the same noona?! OMG. thank you.

  "Hello?" You answered the phone quickly, laying back on your bed with the phone pressed to your ear. You knew who it was that was calling you but that didn't stop you from acting like you didn't.
"Hey sweetheart. Are you free right now?" The all too familiar voice floating through your phone sent tingles down your spine. Due to the nature of your relationship with Yugyeom, you did your best to keep yourself emotionally unattached. These tingles are because you know what's coming. It's what's happens every time Yugyeom comes over now.
"Yeah. Door's unlocked. I'll see you in a few," You end the call and jump out of bed. You had been dressed for a day of lounging around your house, not exactly your sexiest clothing. You decide not to change too much, deciding to change into one of your sexier bras and, after some debate, go without underwear. Then, back onto your couch you go. Less than 15 minutes later, the door opens and Yugyeom saunters in.
A while back, Yugyeom was just a normal friend, but one night, one thing led to another and the two of you ended up sleeping together. You knew that Yugyeom was not in a place to have a relationship. When this first happened, Got7's dating ban was still firmly in place and you didn't want to make him lose your job. He's still your friend and you would never do that to him. He plops onto the couch next to you, lifting your feet into his lap.
"Long day?" You guessed, glancing at his face. Sometimes, he came over when he just wanted to blow off steam but he couldn't hang out with Jungkook and his friends. Plus BamBam had moved out of the dorm so it limited the amount of time they got to hang out outside of schedules.
"Yeah. Bam is in Thailand right now and Kookie has been really busy. It sucks sometimes," Yugyeom sighs, his head falling against the back of the couch. You sit on his lap, your thighs on either side of his, and run your fingers through his hair.
"You know that they're still your friends. They're just busy. You're super busy too," You wrap your arms around his neck, watching his expression as he lifts his head to look at you.
"I know, dear. It's just hard sometimes," His hands rest on your hips as he meets your eyes," But, I don't want to think about that right now."
He pulls you closer, his lips meeting yours. Your lips part and his tongue quickly makes its' entrance, battling with yours. He shifts your positions, pressing your into the couch. Soon, you can feel him growing restless. His hips move against yours as his hand closes around your breast over your shirt. You pull away, gasping, as his lips trace a line down your throat.
"Bed," You gasp, your legs wrapping around his waist as his hips move in a particularly satisfying manner.
"Can do," He easily scoops you up and carries you to your bed, quickly recreating your position from the couch.
He's quick to remove your shirt and your bra isn't far behind. His thumb and forefinger close around your nipple, pinching and twisting. Your back arches as you gasp, your hand going to your mouth. Your whole body is shaking and you can feel his breathe against your neck, driving you insane. His other hand slides into your shorts and you can hear him let out a small groan.
"No underwear, huh?" His voice is a low growl," Naughty girl."
He removes your shorts and slides a finger through your wetness, rubbing it on your clit. Your back instantly arches and you don't try to hide your moan. Yugyeom has always enjoyed when you were more vocal. He slowly tortures your clit for a while, enjoying watching you writhe.
"I can't..." Your voice is soft as you struggle to get the words out past his ministrations.
"What was that, baby?" Yugyeom leans his ear closer to your mouth, suppressing a grin.
"I need you in me," You gasp, your hips moving against his hand. Your expression is pleading.
Yugyeom gives you a satisfied grin, removing his jeans and underwear to reveal his hardened cock. He grabs a condom from your night stand and quickly slides it on, He slams into you, starting his pace almost immediately. You can feel his impatience. He's building you up fast, not letting up on you at all. He grazes a spot in you that has you moaning and gasping, tightening around him.
He speeds up impossibly faster, his mouth sucking harshly on your collarbone. Your losing it, meeting his every thrust. He has a tendency to drive you wild, causing all of your inhibitions to fly out the window. You tighten around him again as you feel the knot in your stomach tighten impossibly.
"I'm so close," You manage to get out between your moans. At that, Yugyeom slams into you, his thumb massaging your clit. Your tighten around him again, your movements becoming erratic. Yugyeom is not much better, his hips beginning to stutter.
Before you can warn him, your cumming around him, your insides fluttering. His thumb doesn't leave your clit as he chases his own high, crashing down moments after you. He rolls off of you, laying on his back and panting. You get up and remove his condom, cleaning the two of you up. You lay on the bed next to him, resting your head on his chest. He's fast asleep, all tired out. You sigh and let yourself relax. You know you shouldn't do this, shouldn't grow attached, but for now, during this time frame, he's yours and you want to enjoy every second.  

A/N: Well, my best friend has graduated from college and I am staying with her for the next couple of days. My posts might be a bit irregular due to that. I apologize for that.

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