Mark Scenario: You See Each Other For the First Time in a While

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Request: Okay so I saw you were taking in request s and I thought why not ask for some got7 mark fluff. If you don't mind I have an idea. So mark and y/n are both artists and they go to dinner with got7 and their gfs, and y/n came back from london (where she's from (she's a lead singer in a band) and so they are both clingy, and everyone teases them because they don't show much pda. (In got7 they have been dating the longest) this is something that my kpop friend thought of, but didn't want to write.

     How could two months feel like forever? Well, I guess it had technically been more then two months that you and Mark had been separated. Before you had taken on your European tour with your band, your last stop was in London, Mark had been on tour with his bandmates throughout, well, everywhere. That took approximately three months or so. In all, you were separated four months since the first month of your tour started during the last month of his tour.

     "Y/N!!" The loud, excited voice that created you as you exited the plane was not your boyfriend, but one of your close friends, BamBam.

     "Hey, Bamie," You grin and wave at your friend, rolling your suitcase behind you. Arms lift you up from behind, causing the suitcase to fall from your hands. You didn't have to look over your shoulder to know that the person lifting you up was your boyfriend. He may not be a man of words but he's certainly a man of action.

     "Hi, baby," His voice is slightly muffled against your back," I missed you."

     "I missed you too," He turns you around to give you a quick kiss that turns into something much longer.

     "Ewwww!" BamBam's voice is joined by a few other voices. I guess they brought a party to greet you.

     "The wanted to go out and eat together if you're not too tired," Mark says softly in your ear, finally letting you go. He takes your hand and lifts your abandoned suitcase off of the floor.

     "I'll be fine," You smile and squeeze his hand before going to greet your boyfriend's bandmates. After the hugs are all gone, you all move to the decided restaurant. The rest of The Girlfriend's meet you there.

     That's what your little tribe calls themselves anyway. The seven of you look after the guys and cheer each other up when someone is down. You're closest to BamBam's and Jackson's girlfriends, since BamBam is your best friend and Jackson is Mark's. You and Mark have been together the longest and the four of you used to have an apartment together.

     After a million more greetings, you all finally make it into the restaurant. Once you get seated, Mark has his arm around you. BamBam keeps giving you weird looks. You just ignore it, snuggling into Mark's side.

     The conversations are pleasant and the food is good. You can feel yourself growing tired, the warmth of Mark lulling you into an almost sleep like state. You can feel Mark's lips press to your hair, his hand rubbing up and down your arm. You pull him down to give him a quick kiss. You're normally much more reserved when it comes to public skinship but the two of you have been separated for quite a while. Mark has never been bothered by public skinship.

     "It's so weird," BamBam whines from his spot across from you.

     "What?" You raise an eyebrow at him, taking another bite from your food.

     "You and Mark aren't usually like this in public," Jinyoung shrugs," It's still not as bad as BamBam or Yugyeom act so I don't really mind."

     "It's still weird?" Mark's eyebrows furrow in confusion," We've been together longer then any of the rest of you."

     "The two of you aren't usually so touchy in public," Jackson defends," If they haven't lived in an apartment with you, they're probably confused."

     "BamBam did live with us," You point out.

     "True," Jackson shrugs," I'm just glad we don't live together anymore. I'm not sure I would want to be there tonight."

     "Jackson!" Your shocked voice nearly covers two separate slapping noises, one from his girlfriend and one from Mark.

     Jackson drops his teasing, acting hurt for a while. By the end of dinner, his girlfriend has coaxed him out of his mood and back to his happy self. You're basically falling asleep in the car on the way home. Mark carries you to bed, tucking you in and pressing another warm kiss to your forehead.

Notes: This was the first Got7 Scenario I ever got to do and I'm Mark biased so I enjoyed this way too much.

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