Got7 Reacts to You Being a Fast Rapping Main Rapper

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Request: Can you do Got7 reacts to their s/o being the main rapper of their group and can rap very fast ? Thanks!

1. Mark

     Mark thinks it's badass. Being a rapper himself, he knows how hard it is to do that well. Especially considering he comes from America, a culture with world wide rappers like Eminem. Mark's audition for JYP was an Eminem song. He likes hearing you perform.

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum simultaneously likes and dislikes that his Jagi is an idol. The fact that you're a rapper doesn't affect him much. He thinks it's a cool but rap doesn't resonate with him as much as it does with some of the other members.

3. Jackson

     Jackson is hyped anytime he can hear you perform. He may not even try talking to your manager and CEO about getting you signed to do a solo career under his company with his help. He wants to showcase your talent.

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung isn't affected at all. He likes that you are an idol because your schedules match up more. Whether you were a rapper or a vocalist will make no difference to him, though. He'll support you no matter what.

5. Youngjae

      Youngjae thinks it's awesome. He always has respect for rappers, so having one for an S/O would make him happy. He is always excited to hear you perform.

6. BamBam

     BamBam is hyped af. Being a rapper himself, he would have an easier time relating to an idol rapper as an S/O. He loves hearing you perform because you always manage to impress him. He's likely to visit your rehearsal if he's free.

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom is the smallest, tiniest bit jealous. He very rarely gets to rap so he's a little jealous that that is your position. He would definitely be one to visit you at rehearsal to listen to you practice, whether it be rapping or dancing. He's also more then willing to help you rehearse.

Notes: I'm kind of hoping we have spaghetti for dinner. I'm just... I want real food because college food is not fun.

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