Got7 Reacts to You Having Selective Mutism

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Request: got7 and big bang helping reader through an episode of selective mutism? its a form of social anxiety where speaking can be physically impossible and even painful if forced, just like any form of anxiety it has a variety of triggers (mine are social settings and phonecalls) 💖

1. Mark

Mark is generally pretty quiet and observant during social situations so he would notice your distress quickly. He would come up and take your hand, if he wasn't already next to you, and take you to a section separate from everyone else. If you were feeling entirely overwhelmed, he would just take you home. He would never be disappointed or bothered by your anxiety.

"Do you want to go home?" Mark asks softly, his thumb softly brushing over your cheek soothingly. He wants to let you choose whether you've had enough or not. 

2. Jb

Jaebum is someone who tends to be quite protective of those that he cares about so he would be by your side in any social situation in case you need him. If you begin feeling overwhelmed, he would be quick to tell everyone that he was getting kind of tired and that the two of you were going to head out. He draws the attention to himself and keeps it off of you.

"I'm feeling quite tired so I think we're going to head out. If anyone asks about us, let them know for me?" Jaebum explains to Jinyoung, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. Jinyoung just nods and he pats him on the shoulder before taking you home. 

3. Jackson

Jackson, despite all of his goofiness, has a very high protective instinct and really cares about the people he's close to. He would be someone else who would stick very close to your side during social situations, creating a good distraction. When you feel overwhelmed, he is a good distraction. Whether you need physical contact, a physical presence, or a quiet calm place, he will do whatever he can to help you. He won't hesitate to take you home and help you calm down. If he's not at home, you can always call him, no matter the time, and he will help you to the best of his abilities or see if he can get someone like Mark or Jinyoung to sit with you as they are some of the members he trusts most.

"There's no pressure for you to talk, okay? I'm pretty sure I talk more then enough for both us," Jackson teases, his hand rubbing circles on your back in a calming manner. He always makes sure that you know that he doesn't expect you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable.

4. Jinyoung

Jinyoung would be the type to do research and know exactly what can cause this kind of reaction and talk to you to make sure that he knows exactly what you need him to do if your anxiety surfaces. Jinyoung has always been a calming presence as he is not overly talkative but he is very rational and a very mother-like figure. For the most part, the two of you aren't in overly social situations that aren't with his members as he is not the most social human in the world. Most of the time, he would be very controlling of the situations the two of you are in and his members tend to be pretty understanding. He would make sure that they are careful not to set off one of the triggers for your anxiety as Jinyoung might massacre them if they do.

"What can I do to help you?" Jinyoung asks softly, his eyes concerned," What works best for you?"

5. Youngjae

Youngjae might be a bit overwhelmed at first. It's probably not something he's had to deal with before so he might be a little unsure of what this entails. That being said, he would definitely ask you what it means and what he needs to do to help or make it easier for you. Youngjae reminds me a lot of Daesung from Big Bang, meaning he probably doesn't go out much. He's not much of a partier type of anything like that so it's rare that you will be put in a situation that will make you uncomfortable. He is very understanding, though, and very kind so he will be your own little patch of calming sunshine. He's generally very chill and doesn't go completely crazy, like the rest of the maknae line, so he is a good person to rely on when you need a break or are feeling overwhelmed. He's good at recognizing the signs that you need to leave.

"Lets go home," Youngjae says gently, his hand at the small of your back as he escorts you outside. 

6. BamBam

BamBam is the person I can see having the hardest time wrapping his brain around this. This is not because he's completely oblivious or an asshole or something like that, it's just that he's the complete opposite. He's an exceptionally outgoing and social person who loves spend time with people in party type situations. You are a very important person to him, though, so he would learn what needs to be done to help you and make this easier for you. Sometimes, there may be nights when you don't have him because he goes to parties and lets you stay home as he doesn't want you to get overwhelmed. You can always call him though.

"Jagi? What's up? Do you need me to come home?" BamBam makes his way to the doro as he waits for your answer.

7. Yugyeom

Yugyeom is someone else who might have a bit of a difficult time with this because he's a lot like a less extreme BamBam. He would be very understanding and make sure that he knows how to recognize the signs that you are feeling overwhelmed or lost. He's also someone who would stay by your side for the most part during social situations to avoid you being caught off guard while you are by yourself. He's basically like a giant teddy bear body guard. He doesn't mind skipping events if you're not feeling up to it.

"We don't have to go tonight if you don't want to," Yugyeom squeezes your hand, pressing a kiss to your temple," It's not like the guys will get mad if we stay at the dorm."

A/N: So, for any of you who didn't see. I'm working on doing a cover of Ikon's Love Scenario with a friend and I'm super excited. I'll let you know when it's finished. 

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