Yugyeom Scenario: You Had a Bad Day

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Request: Haiii 💖💖 Can you write me a cute and fluffy Yugyeom scenario when their s/o is having a bad day? Thank uuu, love chuu💖💖

     Today had been a horrible day. One of your managers at work had been a real jerk and you you had dealt with a few very rude customers today. You tried your best to remain upbeat and happy but you could not wait for this day to be over. You had just clocked out of work when you received a phone call from Yugyeom, your boyfriend.

     "Hey, Gyeomie," You let out a sigh and make your way to your car, feeling more physically exhausted then then you normally did.

     "Bam, Kookie, and I are going bowling in like thirty minutes if you would like to join us," This is a relatively common thing for the three of them to do when they're in town since it's one of Jungkook's favorite past times. Normally, you would be all over an opportunity like this. It wasn't that you particularly liked bowling, you suck at it, but you liked getting to spend time with your boys. Since you had started dating Yugyeom, even throughout your friendship, you became really close with Kookie and BamBam because Yugyeom spends a lot of time with them.

     "Normally, I would be all over an opportunity like that but I'm not really feeling it today. I just wanna go home and go to bed," You slump into your driver's seat and lean your head back against your headrest. You finally convince yourself to start your car and make the short drive to your apartment.

     "Bad day?" You could call it a blind guess, but it's not really blind considering how well he knows you.

     "Little bit. I'm just really tired," You stifle a yawn, pulling up to your apartment. There's muffled shouting on Yugyeom's side of the phone, probably BamBam.

"I have to go but I'll come by when we're done, okay? I would cancel but Jungkook goes on tour next week," He sounds regretful and you know he feels bad but you don't blame him.

     "Nah, don't worry about it. Spend some time with Kookie and I'll see you tonight, okay?" You quickly say your goodbyes before you head upstairs to your apartment. You sprawl on your couch and turn on the tv but you fall asleep long before you can concentrate on whatever's on tv.

     "Jagiya," A soft voice pulls you from your sleep. You groan and roll away from it but you can already feel yourself waking up.

      "Gyeomie?" You turn back toward him and see a grinning Yugyeom crouched next to your couch. He pushes your hair out of your face.

     "I brought you some dinner since I figured you probably hadn't eaten yet," Yugyeom goes to get the food he bought while you sit up and run a hand through your hair. He holds out a bag to you," There you go."

     He bought your favorite food but it wasn't the only thing in the bag. You pulled out a small stuffed animal and raise your eyebrows at him. He's not normally someone to buy you something like this because he doesn't necessarily understand why you would want to buy your significant other something like this. You're really surprised by this.

      "I thought you might like that. It reminds me a little of you," Yugyeom rubs the back of his neck, his expression sheepish," And that sounds really cheesy, doesn't it?"

     "Little bit. You didn't think it might be a bad idea to place it in a bag with the food," You can't help but chuckle a little.

     "So, maybe that wasn't my best plan," He laughs too," But if it helps you relax a little, then I'm okay. Are you feeling at least a little better?"

     "I'm alright. You helped in your own cheesy way," Yugyeom tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.

     "I love you, Jagiya," He taps the tip of your nose," Now, Mario Kart or a fighting game?"

A/N: I forgot I have to update my Tumblr Masterlists so I guess it will be a while longer before I can eat. Dang.

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