Got7 Reacts to You Being an Engineering Nerd

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Request: Hello love! Can you do a got7 reaction to you being a total engineering nerd and being really good at building little contraptions? Thank you!

1. Mark

     Mark thinks that it's awesome. He would always be curious as to what you were currently working on and how it is that you managed to come up with your ideas. He would fully encourage you to pursue what you love and do his best to make sure that you take care of yourself along the way and don't overwork yourself.

     "What is it this time, Jagiya?" Mark leans forward to examine what you're working on," The last one was so cool."

2. Jaebum

     Jaebum would be one to leave you to your work. He wouldn't want to interrupt you while you were in the zone unless he was getting concerned because you haven't eaten in a while or you've been missing too much sleep. Then he would want to look after your health and make sure that you are feeling up to your best and if you had any ideas while you were supposed to be resting, he would have you write them down so you didn't forget anything.

     "Jagi, you really need to eat something," Jaebum holds up a bag of food in his hand," Just take a break for a while and then I'll let you get back to work."

3. Jackson

     Jackson would be absolutely fascinated. He would have random ideas of different inventions that he thought you should try to make. Most of them would be ridiculous, but he would have one or two good ideas that you would end up writing down and maybe attempting later. He tends to have a very expansive imagination so he would probably come up with some pretty interesting ideas.

     "What if you made something like this?" Jackson begins describing some ridiculous thing that has one or two grains of genius in it, not that you would ever tell him that. Can't stoke his ego too much.

4. Jinyoung

     Jinyoung would leave you to your devices for the most part but he may occasionally ask if there's anything that you need him to get, like materials or snacks or anything like that. He would leave a stash of snacks and drinks in your workshop and be sure to restock it if it looked like you were running low on anything.

     "I'm about to run to the store, Jagiya. Is there anything that you need me to pick up? I'll make dinner when I get home since I have to work late tomorrow," Jinyoung leans in the doorway, watching you work as he waits for your response.

5. Youngjae

     Youngjae would think that it was awesome but he would worry about your stressing yourself out when something you've been trying for a while just isn't working. If he saw you getting to stressed, he would be the one to ask if maybe it was better if you just left it alone for a while and cleared your head before going back to it later.

     "Why don't we go out for a bit, Jagiya?" Youngjae offers, biting his lip," Let's just get your mind off of this for a little while and maybe it will help you think better?"

6. BamBam

     BamBam would think it was the coolest thing ever. He would want to watch you work, sometimes wanting to just sit with you in your workshop and maybe take pictures of you while you worked because he thought you looked awesome when you were concentrating. It would be his new phone background. He would sometimes just want to sit in there with you while he scrolled through his phone, but other times, he would be watching what you were doing closely, trying to decide if he understood what was going on.

     "Look at the new picture, Jagi? My Jagi is so daebak!" BamBam holds up his phone, the screen turned toward you.

7. Yugyeom

     Yugyeom would be curious but he would be nervous that asking you about what you were working on or trying to visit you too much in your shop would be a distraction or an inconvenience. In the end, his visits would be very rare and it would appear that he has no interest in what you're doing but he honestly thinks that it's awesome. He would use whatever excuse he could to visit you but he couldn't come up with too many excuses.

     "I brought you dinner, Jagiya. I figured we could eat together," Yugyeom's eyes flit around the room with interest as he holds up the bags and drinks. His voice is soft and a tiny bit unsure.

Notes: I hope you guys like all of these!

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