A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
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This is Roxie, the daughter to Manny Calavera. As a kid she would wear a dark grey long vest that ends at her knees, and black trousers. She would also have an overly large blue hoodie that would stoop over her hands slightly.
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Well it says in the picture who this guy is, basically, he's a baby in this, so he's gonna be wearing a black and white stripy pair of pyjamas.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (For those of you who don't know what Calavera cafe is, then go on YouTube and type in: Boneheads: Temper control. He cafe that all the characters are in is the cafe that Roxie lives in)
It was a soft autumn afternoon, the wind was whispering peacefully through the grass. Roxie, was sitting in the small garden at the back of Calavera cafe, her back was leaned against an oak tree that small little sparrows and birds sang a beautiful melody.
Normally, Roxie would be helping her Dad in the cafe, or hanging with one of her Uncles. But on this particular afternoon, none of her uncles were round at the moment, leaving the usually loud and exciting cafe deathly quite.
Roxie normally didn't like silence, she loathed it. The only sound that prevented complete silence from falling on Roxie was the occasional tweeting of the birds and the whistle of the wind.
"This is so boring.........." Roxie sighed and sprawled herself out on the grass, she stared up into the sky, the clouds were tinted a slight pink as the sun started its way down to let the moon have its turn to shine.
On this one day however, Roxie had been told by her farther, that they were going to have a very special guest. Roxie had beamed the brightest smile ever and had been nagging at her dad for him to tell her who it was, he did nothing but regard her with a smile. And to this point, Roxie still had no idea who the guest was
"Roxie?" The familiar voice of her farther voice made the small girl sit up, she looked to her left to see her Dad leaning on the doorway towards the back kitchen. She smiled and got to her feet, making her way over to the door as quickly as she could, perhaps the visitor had arrived.