A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
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This is Loppody (her nickname is Loopy or fruit loops) in this book she is wearing a paint splattered shirt with a green bandana and a pair of lights blue shorts. Her hair is also in pig tails.
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This is Alex (daughter to Franky and Robin) in this she is wearing a white shirt that has a few dirt stains on it a cap and a pair of black shorts.
Alex? Alex? ALEX!?" Loppody had been home from school for about 5 minutes and she was yelling out her friends name. She quickly got bored of watching her Uncle Sanji and Uncle Zoro fight, and had wondered off to find Alex, who always seemed to have the right remedy for boredom.
As she made her way down the corridors of her boat home the familiar sound of hammering caught her attention. She walked towards the sound to see her Uncle Franky tinkering away at one of his many inventions. She walked up next to him and looked down at the invention, that seemed to be in a pile of cogs and screws.
"Whatcha doing?" Franky turned to Loppody "Just fixing up an old project." Loppody nodded and looked round the room, Alex didn't seem to be in their. Great. "Hey Uncle Franky?"
"Yeah?" "Have you seen Alex? I can't find her ANYWHERE!!!" Loppody gave an irritated sigh, earning a chuckle from her Uncle. He placed down his hammer and pointed to the hallway, "Last time I checked she was in her room." Loppody smiled brightly "Thanks Uncle Franky!! Your SUUUUUPPPER!!!!!!"
Loppody ran out the door and down the corridor towards Alex's room. She quickly got there and smiled up at the door handle. She lept to open the door when a loud thud noise came from her room.
Loppody raised a bone brow and slowly opened the door. Alex was sitting at her desk, banging her head against it, the floor was littered with scrunched up paper and the small bin was overflowing.
"Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Useless. Empty. BRAIN!!!" With each word Alex spoke she let her head bang against the desk. Loppody stood their for a moment in complete confusion before she walked over and tapped her friend on the shoulder.
"Um, Alex?.....Ya feeling okay?" Alex turned to her "NO!! I'm anything but OKAY!!! My mind is blank!!! Do you know what that means?" Alex poked Loppodys chest with her finger, her face was inches from hers.
Loppody blinked before answering sheepishly "......no?"
"It means that I have CREATION BLOCK!!!" Alex grumpily slammed her head down on the table, her words were muffleled by the many different papers on her desk.
Loppody, being the person she was, tried to think of something to make her friend feel better. "Well.....couldn't you go to your dad? I mean surely he could help you with this hole 'creation block'?"
Alex lifted her head from the table and turned to her friend "You don't understand!!!! This was supposed to be MY invention!! Something that I came up with, something that I made ALONE!!!" Alex paused and looked down at all the scribblers out and discarded designs for her invention.
"And I haven't even started yet........" she sighed and leaned back in her chair glumly, throwing the paper in the full trash can. Loppody gave a sad frown at the paper that now layed forgotten on the floor with the others.
"PFFT!! Come on!! YOUR Alex!!" She placed a hand on her shoulder "You can make anything!! I mean, you were able to make a portable working coffee machine with nothing more then some string, spare parts and some bubble gum!!!"
Alex gave a small smile, but it quickly faded as her eyes gazed over the many scrunched up papers scattered over her desk. Loppody retracted her hand, looking down at the floor, her feet fidgeting.
She stood their awkwardly, trying to think of something, anything to get her friend to smile!! Or at least get her back to her normal determined self. Her friend gave out another groan and blew of a stray piece of paper.
Loppody felt helpless and thought harder and faster, trying to find something that would be off any help!!! Until an idea came to her head that it made her smile so bright that it could light a room!!!
"Hey Alex!!" Alex slowly turned herself round to Loppody. She forced back a giggle at what she saw, her skeleton friend was doing cross eyes and was making a stupid lob sided smile, making an absolutely ridiculous face.
Alex placed a hand on her mouth as her lip quivered. "O-Oh god Loopy stop!!" Loppody gave a small smirk "Never!! I will break you!!" She gave another silly face and made an even more lob sided smile.
Alex was struggling to hold back laughter, her lip gave one final quiver before she jested out laughing. Loppody took her laughing as a victory and made more silly faces, Alex, was struggling to control her breathing and gave out a pig like snort.
"O-Oh god!!....T-That was amazing!!!" Alex said in between heavy gasps of air. Loppody helped her to her feet and smiled down at her "And once again the amazing Loppody has been able to chase away the your bothersome blues!!" Loppody said pridefully.
Alex snickered and playfully punched her friends arm "Thanks fruit loops!! I can always count on you to turn my frown upside down..."
"You bet on chocolate chip cookies you can!!!" Loppody said, pointing a finger at her friend and flashing a smile. Alex just rolled her eyes. Loppody may have not been able to give her friend the perfect idea for a machine, but she was able to give her something much better. Something that can sometimes be all around you, and can bring light in the darkest hours for people.