A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
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She is wearing what she is in the drawing Other characters: Vivi Lewis Arthur Mystery
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I do not own Melodie, she belongs to: thepurpah on Deviantart. And yeah, I ship her with Arthur.
Amy had been happily playing with her dead beats (her ghosts) in her room, she wasn't sure wether they acted more like children when they played, or like kittens.
However, a loud conversation that could be heard from downstairs made the girl curious. She made her way to the top of the stairs, peering down through the stair railings.
Her mother and farther were talking to someone behind the door, she couldn't see who it was, the shadows seemed to hid their face. "Wonder who that is?..." she said to one of her ghosts.
She raised a brow. Then, a familiar yellow haired man came through the door. Amy smiled brightly and began to make her way down the stairs "Uncle Arth-!!" Amy stopped when an unfamiliar purple female skeleton came in alongside Arthur.
She stopped abruptly and quickly dived back up the stairs, thankful that no one had seen her. "Okay!! Vivi, Lewis, I want you to meet Melodie. Melodie, this is Lewis and Vivi."
The ghost know as Melodie, gave a small wave "Hello, Arthur has told me a lot about you two." Vivi smiled at Arthur and went to shake Melodies hand "It's a pleasure to finally meet you!! Arthur has spoke quit a lot about you two!!"
Amy stared in confusion, worry, and anger. Who was this lady!? Why was she here? Did she want something? Why did she now her Uncle Arthur? Why hadn't he told her? Was she going to live with them now? Would she-
"Amy?.." Amy jolted, and fell over. She quickly dusted herself off and turned to the staircase. Arthur stood their with a small look of worry on his face and he held a hand out for Amy "Are you okay?"
Amy faked a smile "PSH!! Course I am!! I'm awesome!!" Arthur gave a chuckle, and turned round to start walking down the stairs.
Amy, suddenly felt shy, and stood at the top of the stairs for a moment, looking down at her parents and. Her. "Amy, I want you come meet Melodie, she's a friend of mine and I think that you'll like her."
Amy really didn't want to meet Melodie, she wanted her to leave!! But, she didn't like to be rude to her favourite Uncle, so reluctantly, she walked down the stairs.
"Melodie, this is Amy. Say hi Amy!!" Amy looked at Melodie blankly "Hi....." Lewis and Vivi looked at each other, and then Amy. "Are you okay Amy?" Vivi asked, Amy turned to her and gave a simple nod.
"So your Amy? You wouldn't believe how much Arthur thinks off you. He never stops talking about you." Arthur blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well duh!! I'm the coolest, of course he talks of me!!"
Amy gave a huge grin and looked over at her Uncle. Thankful that he spoke fondly of her. "Well, anyway, Amy. There is actually something we want to tell you...." Amy raised an eyebrow.
Arthur and Melodie looked at each other for a moment, they let their fingers intertwine with each other and they both looked back at Amy. "Melodie, is going to be staying here for a while."
Amy's eyes went wide, she was staying!? For how long?! "Isn't that great Amy? Looks like your going to be having a new Auntie!!" Vivi said excitedly as everyone gave out a small amused chuckle.
"It's not funny." Amy said coldly, silencing everyone in the room. Arthur bent down to her height and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey squirt.....you okay?" Amy looked up at him and then Melodie. "I don't want an Aunt."
Arthur coughed and rubbed the back f his neck "Look Amy....she's only staying for a while, just until we find ourselves a place." Amy was at the verge of crying and she took a nervous step back.
"Your....leaving?" Arthur realised he had upset her in some way and waved his hands "Wha!? N-No no!! It's just that um...well, me and Melodie are....well hoping, to live toge-"
"WHAT?!" Everyone turned to Amy as she yelled at the top of her voice. "Amy? What's the matter? Do you wanna have a ta-" she glared at her Dad "No I DONT WANNA TALK!!!" She turned her gaze to Melodie.
"I WANT HER TO LEAVE!!!" Vivi gave a small gasp "Im sorry Melodie!! Amy!! We need to have a talk young lady!!" Amy refused her mothers scolding, and floated quickly upwards before she could grab her arm
"Amy you come down here right now young lady!!" Amy didn't listen, and slapped her hands on the side of her head, by this point she wasn't trying to hold back the hot tears that were now streaming down her face "LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU!!!!"
"Amy listen to your mother!!" Arthur watched with sorrow, he didn't know that she would react like this!! He thought she would be happy!!! "Amy....can you ple-"
"GRRR!!! JUST FORGET IT!!!" Amy's eyes flashed a bright pink that was so blinding everyone had to cover their eyes. A giant boom was heard and a gust of air was blow at them, it wasn't very strong, but strong enough that they were pushed back slightly.
Everyone looked to the spot were Amy had been floating, only to find that she had gone. "Amy!?" Arthur and Lewis were first to react. "Oh no!! Were could she have gone?!" Vivi asked as she started to work herself into a panic.
"She's only just learning to use her powers, she couldn't have gone far. You check the house, and I'll go check the park!!" Without a word, Vivi ran up the stairs alongside Arthur and Melodie and Lewis quickly made his way down the pathway towards the park.
As Arthur searched the rooms he couldn't help but feel guilty for what he did......