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In this story he is wearing a pair of patch work like pyjamas, kinda how Sally's dress looks, patchwork like

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In this story he is wearing a pair of patch work like pyjamas, kinda how Sally's dress looks, patchwork like

In this story he is wearing a pair of patch work like pyjamas, kinda how Sally's dress looks, patchwork like

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This is Charlotte, the younger sister to Nicholas. In this she is just a baby and is wearing a simple orange onesie.


Prince Nicholas strode nobly through the halls of his home. His shoes making a small tick tack noise that echoed along the black floor. He walked as a prince should, standing straight, head held high. With baggy fabric patched pyjamas.

It was very late at night, the lively chatter of the town had been silenced but the full moon and most monsters were now fast asleep. Most. Nicholas's parents had rushed off to Dr. Finkelsteins lab, leaving him alone.

He didn't mind being alone, he found it quite the honour in a sense. To know that his farther trusted him enough to leave him alone at night filled the prince with happiness and pride.

Nicholas was slowly arriving at his bedroom door on the second floor of the house when a familiar sound from beneath him caught his attention.

"Yes Mayor, we will sort everything out in the morning. Okay, goodnight." Nicholas heard the front door close. He walked over to the top of the stairs were the small overhanging balcony was, he looked down to see his mother and farther walking their way into the lounge.

The cogs in Nicholas's head began to turn and he found himself making his way down the stairs and standing outside the lounge.

"She's so pretty!! She looks just like you!!"

"Oh don't be sill!! We both know that your the pretty one here!!"

"Oh hush you!!"

Nicholas became more confused and slowly peeked his head round the doorway. His parents seemed to be looking down at a grey blanket that her mother cradled slowly with such care. Their eyes shown with affection.

"How are we going to tell Nicholas?" Nicholas rose a brow. His farther hummed in thought and brought a honey hand under his chin, he paced back and fourth slowly across the lounge, this was a time when he was in deep thought.

"We will have to discuss it tomorrow over breakfast. Then we can introduce him to her...."

"Introduce me to who?" Jack turned his head to see Nicholas standing in the middle of the doorway. "Nicholas what are you doing up at this hour? Did we wake you?" Jack asked he walked over to his son

"Introduce me to who?" Nicholas repeated the question, his tone was now sounding a little impatient.

Jack looked over at his wife for some kind of guidance in this situation. She did nothing but look down at the blanket and then at Jack. Jack got what she meant and rubbed the back of his skull, not meeting his sons gaze.

"What's going on mom?" Nicholas turned to his mother, who was still cradling the bundle of blankets. "Um, well.....there is someone that daddy and I want you to meet....."

Nicholas walked over to his parents, he could have sworn that he saw the blanket move slightly. "Who is it?" Nicholas asked, his parents both looked at each other with a smile on their faces before Sally carefully placed a small baby skeleton on the floor in front of Nicholas.

Nicholas stood their almost in shock as he stared at the small infant. She stared back and chewed on the bright orange fabric of her clothing. She had a skull like her farther and black eye sockets with small white pupils, and short red messy hair that ended just above her shoulders.

"Nicholas, this is your new baby sister, Charlotte." Jack said proudly as he held his wife's hand. Nicholas blinked at the small girl, and then looked up at his parents.

"......I didn't ask for a sister."

Silence visited the family and awkwardness filled the room. Sally gave a cough and looked down at her son "I.....don't think you understand sweetie, she's a part of the family now."

Nicholas looked back down at his 'sister'. She was chewing on a tuff of her red locks and looking around the large room. Nicholas thought that he was enough for the family, he would be a perfect pumpkin prince by himself, his family was fine just the way it was, just the three of them, and Nicholas wasn't willing to give up mother and farther story time over a little baby.

"I don't need a sister.....I'm fine on my own....." Jack rubbed the back of his skull and looked over at his wife. "I don't think you have another option Nicholas.....she's already a part of the family now....."

Nicholas groaned and looked at the floor, kicking it slightly with his foot. "Please be nice with her Nicholas, she needs someone to look up to...." Nicholas regarded the thought for a moment and looked back down at his drooling sister.

He gave a reluctant sigh, still looking away from his parents "Yes farther......"

Jack smiled brightly and picked his son up in a hug, he smiled and hugged back, happy that this was just a hug for him and he didn't have to share it with his sister. "Thank you son!!.."

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