Best dad

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"HOW?!" Luke throw his remote on the couch in disbelief that Alex had beat him again for the seventh time in a row. "Ha!! Just keep dreaming Luke!! I, am the champion of all video games!!
Luke groaned "How do you do it?!"

Alex raised a brow at him and gave a smug smile at him "Wouldn't you want to know?..." Luke grabbed Alex's jumped and started to shake her "Pleeeeeeeeass!!! I gotta know!!! If I don't, in gonna lie away at night!!!"

Alex rolled her eyes playfully "My dad." She answered blankly, getting up from the couch and walking to the fridge "What?...." Luke followed after her "My dad!! He taught me everything I know today!" She took a small sip from the cola bottle "Becaus of him, I am literally now the definition of SUPER!!!"

Luke made a 'PSH' noise and waved his hand "My dads cool too you know..." Alex paused momentarily "Yeah well...." she shot a sly smirk at Luke "My dads cooler." She took another sip of her bottle, the groan coming from her pal showing that she was clearly winning.

"Please!! My dad is a culinary success, and practically had women of all kind stroking over the sight of him when he walks into any town!!" She crossed his arms, awaiting his friends response, unless she had excepted defeat. Unlikely.

Alex raised a brow a day up on the counter "PSHT!!! Please, cooking is just following what's written in a bloody book!! My dad is half a cyborg, which technically means I must have some kinda cyborg heritage!! That and my dad literally runs on the most blessed drink on this planet!!"

She gestured to the cola bottle in her hand "Cola!!" She took another huge gulp of cola and gave out a loud belch. "HEY!!! Cooking is far more then following some stupid book!! It's an art!!! And my dad is pretty much the lord of cooking, not to mention all the shit he's gotta deal with Uncle Luffy shoving half his food down his theist without breathing."

"Everyone shoves their food down their throats without breathing." Alex pointed out blankly "The point is, my dads better." Alex lept of the counter and made a gesture as if she was going to punch Luke in the face, in reaction he shot his hands to his face.

"Go on say it again, I fackin dare you!!....ginger locks." Luke slowly turned to Alex ".....did you just?" Alex snickered and rolled her eyes slowly to the side ".....what me?! No!! I wouldn't call you ginger locks cause' I know you hate that name....ginger locks."

Luke could have sworn he growled "Alex I will harm you!!" Alex wasn't threatened in any and skipped her way merrily out of the kitchen "Ginger locks!! Ginger locks!! Gingeeeer loc-AHHH!!!"

"DONT CALL ME THAT!!!" Alex groaned and pushed Luke of her, the two both shared a glare before they both stared to fight then and their in the room. Luke was surprised by how strong Alex was, that or he was just incredibly weak.

"OW OW OW OW!!!! ALEX STOP!!!" Alex was holding Lukes arms Ina rather painful position as he banged his other arm on the floor "You were the one who started it!!" Luke groaned and was thankfully able to pull Alex off him and free his arm

The two continued to scrabble with each other and took around on the floor, it ended up with Luke on the floor, one of his hands pulling at Alex's hair while his other kept her at bay, his knee in her stomach was the only thing keeping her from sitting on him.

Alex was waving her hands frantically to try and punch Luke while she was kept at bay by his knee holding her in place. "GINGER LOCKS!!"


"Okay that's enough!!" Luke secretly gave a sigh off relief when Franky was able to pull Alex off him. He got to his feet as stuck his tongue out at Alex, she groaned at him and tried to wriggle her way free "IM GONNA KILL YOU GINGER LOCKS!!!"

"Alex calm down, what happened anyway? Another silly fight?" Alex looked at her dad "No, a battle to prove who's dad is the best, and mine is clearly the better COOLER dad then ginger boys over here!!!" Luke dusted himself off and got to his feet "Please!! Your only say no your dads cool so that he's gives you that little extra cola at dinner."

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!" Luke smiled "Or what? You gonna hit me?" Alex held a hand to her chin "Well, I was gonna actually tie you up against your will and then throw you over board. But, yeah, I gayness hitting works too..."

the serious look on Alex's face showed that she clearly wasn't joking about throwing him overboard. He gave a small nervous laugh and took a huge step away from Alex. "...chicken." Cranky sighed and placed Alex on the floor, making sure that she wouldn't rugby tackle Luke to the floor

"Okay I don't mind you guys setteling it out over a good old fight, but at least make sure that you don't knock stuff over when you do it." He went to leave the room and Luke immediately got in his way "W-Wait you ain't gonna leave me here are you?!"

Franky raised a brow before walking past Luke "Hey you were the one who got into the mess Luke, you can get yourself out..." Luke gulped and gave a small laugh of fear. He looked over at Alex, the sly smile of her face only making him want to bolt from the room

"..Told ya my dad was cooler!!"

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