A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
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This is Quitin, the adopted son to Arthur. In this story he wears a big pair of round glasses, a light brown jumper and black shorts. His hair is the same but just more poofy and messy, his beanie is also a dark grey.
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This is Charlotte, the youngest daughter to Jack skellington and Sally. In this story she is wearing an orange dress with a dark grey shawl.
Quitin was sitting under a tree in his local school, usually, at break time he would be hanging with his pal Amy. Although she could sometimes be a handful to keep up with, she was fun none the less. Sadly, she had fallen ill with the tummy bug. For the 3rd time this month!!!!
Due to Amy being half skeleton ghost and human, she had become very ill. Nothing that would be called life threatening, but something that unfortunately kept the girl lying in bed all day. Quitin sighed "Why did Amy have to be sick today?.....Stupid stomach bug....."
Quitin pulled his knees to his chest, he folded his arms on them and rested his head neatly on top. He gave out a sigh, all the other children playing happily on the playground.
"Excuse me?"
Quitin was startled by the sound of a voice, he turned his head and backed away slightly when he saw a little girl standing a few feet away from him. The thing that really caught his attention though was that she seemed to be wearing Halloween themed clothes.
"W-What do you want?" The little girl rubbed her arm, almost as if she was nervous. "I was wondering.....if I could sit with you?"
Quitin sat their for a moment and tilted his head, raised an eyebrow. "...........:I-Is this a trick?"
"W-What?....no, why would it be?" She said holding her arms up in defence. Quitin looked down at all the other kids, the kids that would tease and pick on him each and every day, if Amy wasn't their to stand up for him.
".....M-Most people don't w-wanna sit with me....." the girl moved closer, and knelt down near Quitin "Why not?"
"Because I'm weird......" Quitin put his head back down in his arms, he gave out a tired sigh assuming that the girl had gone away
".......You don't look weird to me." Quitin stared wide eyed at the small girl, who was unfazed by his surprised reaction. "......Y-You don't?"
The girl simply shook her head. "Um.......okay?" The girl smiled and sat next to Quitin, humming a small tune to herself as a peaceful breeze swept by the two.
"So what's your name?" "Um....I-I'm Quitin...." the girl extended a bone hand. Quitin glanced at her hand and then at her, she gave nothing but a friendly smile. He slowly placed his hand in hers and gave it a small shake
"I'm Charlotte, so how old are you?" The girl asked, lying down on her belly in the grass, Quitin began to feel a little more comfortable around this girl and slowly moved a bit closer "I'm 6"
"Cool!!! I'm 5" Quitin gave a small smile "S-So, are you new?" The girl sat up and leaned against the tree "Yeah."
"H-How do you like it?" Charlottes smile wavered slightly "Its good but.....super hard to make friends...." Quitin felt sorrow for Charlotte and slowly placed a hand on her shoulder, she turned to him as he offered her a warm smile
"I-I know how you feel....." Charlotte sat their almost in shock "What? Seriously!? But your noraml!! And cool looking!!"
Quitin could feel an odd heat rush to his cheeks, "U-Um.......Thanks....." Charlotte sighed and leaned back against the tree "I bet you'd just haffta talk to someone to get them to be your friend!!!" Quitin looked down at the grass
He could remember the first day of school and how he had tried so hard to make at least one friend. But all the kids had just turned him away, picking on him and whispering nasty rumours about him around the school. Soon enough the whole school was against him, and he had just given up making friends all together.
The only real friend he had was Amy. "W-Well.....I-I did but-"
"Hey look, it's Quitin!!!" Quitin turned round to see the one person that made him scared to come to school each day. Addison. As he made his way up the hill, Quitin hid behind Charlotte. She looked at him and rose a bone brow and then turned her attention to Addison.
"Did you finally make a friend?" Addison mocked as he finally came to the top of the hill, Charlotte furrowed her eye brows and stood up in front of Quitin. "Hey! Leave him alone!!"
Addison was taken back by this, as was Quitin. "I'm just trying to be friends with him!!" Addison faked a sad smile, as if he had been genuinely hurt. But Charlotte was smart, she could smell out a bully in a 10 mile long sewer system.
"B-But your mean....." Quitin squeaked from behind Charlotte, "Don't hang out with this freak!! She's no better then that pink haired corpse you hang out with!!!" Quitin felt a small amount of anger boil within him, how dare Addison call Amy a corpse.
"P-Please just g-go away....." Addison scowled at Quitin, making him quickly huddle back behind Charlotte "Just come hang with us Quitin!! Leave this freak to her freakishness!!!"
"Go away!! If he doesn't want to play with you, don't make him!!" Charlotte didn't budge from were she was standing, Addison glared at Charlotte, who wasn't stared in the slightest.
"Don't-" "GO AWAY!!!!" Charlotte was suddenly consumed by orange flames, the flames danced around her and Addison quickly turned and fled. Charlotte was satisfied by this and her flames quickly crackled away. She turned around to Quitin "Are you okay?"
Quitin didn't move , he sat their wide eyed at Charlotte, completely frozen. Charlotte became a little nervous and backed away "S-Sorry, did I scare y-"
"T-That was so.....brave!!!!! Were d-did you learn to do that?!" Charlotte was surprised at this and gave a small huh, no one despite the fellow occupants in Halloween town had ever been curious about her fire powers.
"My......my daddy taught me..." Charlotte said, still a little inexperienced with someone being so curious about her magic.
"C-Can he teach me?....hehe" Quitin joked, he got to his feet and dusted himself off "T-Thanks for scaring away Addison......" a smile crept its way onto Charlottes face "No problem!! Wanna go play by the swings?"