Meeting a skeleton

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This is Quitin, the adopted son to Arthur, in this story he is yet to be adopted so he doesn't know Amy or her family yet

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This is Quitin, the adopted son to Arthur, in this story he is yet to be adopted so he doesn't know Amy or her family yet. In this story he wears a big pair of round glasses, a light brown jumper and black shorts. His hair is the same but just more poofy and messy, his beanie is also a dark grey.

This is Amy, the daughter to Lewis and Vivi, in the story she wears a short sleeve shirt with red sleeves and an angry face on it, black shorts and trainers, her hair is also extremely messy

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This is Amy, the daughter to Lewis and Vivi, in the story she wears a short sleeve shirt with red sleeves and an angry face on it, black shorts and trainers, her hair is also extremely messy.


"Hey their squirt!!" Quitin flinched and dropped his books, he quickly scurried to pick them up and slowly turned round to see no other then Addison, the school bully. Being one of the smartest kids in the school Quitin was  Addisons number one person to pick one, and he reminded him off that on a daily basis.

"H-H-H-Hello A-A-Addi-Addison......"  Addison gave a slim smile at the stuttering boy and slowly walked up to him. Quitin nervously looked around the hallway, no one was in sight as they were all on the playground. "Those your books?"

Addison pressed a finger onto one of his books that was held tightly to his chest, "U-Um.....yes?" Quitin gave a nervous smile. Addison gave a chuckle before he slapped the books out of his hands, Quitin stumbled back and went to pick up his books when Addison kicked one of them far away from the others.

"Go on Quitin go get your book!!!" Addison mused, Quitin could feel hot tears threatening to spill from his eyes, he was about to go get his book when he was pushed hardly onto one of the lockers. He fell to the floor and rubbed his head, tears now already falling from his face.

"You gone hit back?" Quitin was so scared, he felt so helpless. He did nothing but look at the floor, ashamed, not wanting to look Addison in the eye. He heard Addison give out an amused laugh before another voice echoed through the halls.

"Hey!!" Quitin and Addison both turned their heads to a girl that was standing at the end of the hallway "Get away from him Addison!!" Quitin sat their staring in shock, no one had EVER stood up to Addison, let alone stand up for a useless nobody like him!!

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Amy the skeleton freak!! What you gonna do if I don't?" Addison forced Quitin to his feet and held onto a tug of his hair, pulling at it harshly making the boy yelp in pain. Amy growled and pink fire began to grow round her hands.

"I said let him go!!" Addison was unfazed and gave another sharp tug on Quitins hair, his glasses fell to the floor as he cried in pain. "Aww, so you finally stopped crying did you? How long did it take you to get that mash potato out of your hair?"

Amy thought back to last week, how Addison had tripped her up and sent her sausages and mash all over her. Everyone laughed and stared, Amy was so sad and upset that she ran all the way home to cry and whimper by her dad and refused to be coaxed back to school.

"Besides, you'll get in trouble if you set those stupid powers on me."  He was right, the last Amy had used her powers she had set the teachers desk in a pile of pink flames and set a hole group of pink ghosts lose in the classroom. For a moment she considered charging Addison, but Addison was bigger, she would have to use wits, and then an idea came to mind making her smirk.

"If you don't let them go right now Addison....." Amy let the pink magic fizzle away from her hands and instead extended her arms out with a smile on her face "Ill give you a hug!!"

Addison froze "Y-You wouldn't!!!"

"Oh but I would...." Amy took steps closer to Addison as he slowly backed away, releasing Quitin and slowly edging away. "I'll cuddle you and squeeze you, and all your cool friends will see you getting all cuddly with me!!
And I'll give you all of my skeleton ghost germs, and then, I'll give you a biiiiiiiiiiiig kiss!!!"

Addisons pupils went small, his face was white with fear, "S-Stay away!!" Amy flashed the most smuggest smile and continued to take slow steps towards Addison. "And then, you'll turn into a great ghost skeleton like me, OH!! we'll have to get married!! It's science Addison!!!"

"NO!!!!!!!!" Addison turned on his feet and ran down the corridor, leaving a proud Amy standing victoriously and staring after the scared boy.

A sniffle at her side caught her attention. The pour boy was sitting on the floor as small tears fell from his eyes. His school books, once shiny and well kept, were now dented and dirty and lay discarded on the floor.

".......Hey?" the boy slowly lifted his eyes to meet Amy's gaze. Amy looked down at the boy, Amy tried for a smile, before she picked up one of the large brown books. "Robotics and engineering?.....You into that kinda stuff?"

Amy said, glancing at the boy. He looked so scared and slowly gave a shaky nod. He brought a hand to his face and wiped away a tear, dusting off his glasses and placing them back on.

"Well, I think that's stuff is cool!! Don't worry pal, if you stick with me, Addison won't bother you again!!" This time Amy smiled genuinely and extended a hand.

The boy glanced at her hand then at Amy "........D-Do you really have skeleton ghost germs?"

Amy flinched, hurt. This kid was just like the others. Avoiding her out of fear, or whispering nasty taunts about her when her back was turned. She felt her fire hair slowly starting to get light as the flames started to crackle, but instead she stood up and lifted her head with a sigh.

"No I don't have skeleton ghost germs!! I'm no different then you humans are!! And I'm sick of being treat-"

Amy was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping round her, the small boys head was buried in the crock of her neck as he let out loud sniffles and whimpers.

"Hey. Hey it's okay.....sorry I yelled....." Amy patted the small boys back as his crying began to get quieter and quieter. He pulled away and rubbed his eyes,

"Now, how about we take it from the top. Only this time you actually shake my hand." Amy extended her hand again "The names Amy!!"

The boy looked up at Amy, a kind smile on her face. He gave a nervous smile and slowly shook her hand, rather softly. "I-I'm Quitin......"

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