A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
Another picture to go with it, the drawing belongs to me
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Sapphire gave a quiet sigh, she had finally gotten her younger brother to rest. It had taken a lot of reassuring after he had seen the fight between her and his other sister Shadow, but Sapphire was now relieved to know that he had finally fallen asleep.
Sadly, he had curled himself neatly into his sisters arms and had decided to sleep there instead of his bed, looks like she was going to be sleeping on the floor, again.
Sapphire looked outside his bedroom window from where she was, the stars outside lighting the sky perfectly, she gave a loud yawn, her tail stiffening before falling loosely and curling round her.
"You little bugger." She gently nuzzled his head and a small smile tugged at his lips in his sleep "You just couldn't sleep in your bed could you?"
"It seems that way." A third voice spoke up
Sapphire turned her head to the doorway, her sister Shadow walked into the room and calmed sat herself down on her haunches by her older sister. "He finally fell asleep I see..."
Sapphire didn't say a word and only responded with a hum
....although everything was quite the awkwardness in the room was very clear. Sapphire awkwardly patted her claw against the floor, not making eye contact with her sister.
"Hmm?" Sapphire hummed when she felt something lie down next to her, was Shakir? She glanced down at her sister who was making herself comfortable at her side, she sighed deeply
"....I'm sorry I yelled."
"....I...I'm sorry too." Sapphire finally spoke "I just, I don't like-I just want you to understand that I don't want you to get hurt." Shadow looked up at her, not moving from her position "I won't."
"Shadow look at you, you have a bandage round your n-" "I won't die sister." Shadow interrupted her, sitting up and looking seriously at her sister. Sapphires ears slit back at the mere thought of her sister not returning home one day, or someone coming round to say they had to say there goodbyes..
.....and the thought of having to tell Pip, that his sister wouldn't be coming home, the mere thought just made her want to curl into a ball and cry.
Her fears must have shown in her face as Shadow placed a clawed hoof on hers "I mean it sister...." she gave a soft smile at her "Its going to take a lot more then some cuts and bleeding to take me away..."
She affectionately leaned forward and nuzzled her sleeping brother, he gave a small cat like purr and weakly nuzzled back. "I know you won't..." Sapphire looked down at her
"Your strong Shadow...you always have been. I know you don't like the big sister act but...I can't help it." She gently pushed her forehead against hers "You're my sister, I'm never going to stop worrying for you..."
"And apparently you're never going to stop making things overly emotional." Sapphire snorted a laugh and sat back up again, "Yes yes, I don't deny that possibility. But, please promise me Shadow, that you will at least try to be more careful."
Sapphire looked down at her side when the sound of light snoring came to her ears. She smiled down at her sister, enjoying how peaceful she looked, with her hard job and training these days, she just never got the time to just relax.
....she was a little concerned on how she just fell asleep on her so quickly, she would have to try and speak to the princess about shortening the training sessions a tad.
But, until then, she would just have to wait. Sapphire smiled down at her two siblings, her small little family. She gently bent down at kissed her sisters snout, a noticeable smile coming to her sleeping sisters lips