Breaking the news

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(Melodie isn't mine!! She belongs to thepurpah)


Amy (belongs to me)

Quintin (adopted son to Arthur)

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Quintin (adopted son to Arthur)

Vivi (She doesn't belong to me) Amy's mom

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Vivi (She doesn't belong to me) Amy's mom

Vivi (She doesn't belong to me) Amy's mom

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Lewis (doesn't belong to me) Amy's Dad

Arthur (doesn't belong to me) adoptive Dad to Quintin

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Arthur (doesn't belong to me) adoptive Dad to Quintin

Melodie (Quintins adoptive mom) she belongs to thepurpah

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Melodie (Quintins adoptive mom) she belongs to thepurpah

Melodie (Quintins adoptive mom) she belongs to thepurpah

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Mystery (doesn't belong to me) Vivis pet

Mystery (doesn't belong to me) Vivis pet

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It was a normal average autumn morning, the trees on the families drive way were now bare and the golden leaves neatly danced across the floor. Amy was sitting in the family living room playing one of her various video games, her pal Quintin accompanied her at her side with a book in his hand.

He took a small sip from his drink from the side table, temporarily placing his book aside. "Hello Quintin!!" Quintin turned his head to his farther and now mother, Melodie. "H-Hi Dad!! Mom." Amy made a small gesture with her hand. She was still a little sour that her Uncle married Melodie.

" are you two?" Arthur asked as he rocked back and fourth on his feet. "Good I guess." Amy answered, not taking her eyes of the TV screen. Melodie and Arthur looked at each other breifly as Lewis and Vivi walked into the room. "Ey Dad, mom." Amy greeted as she did the same hand gesture.

"Hello Amy, Quintin. So what was this news you wanted us to know Arthur?" Quintin raised a brow and looked over at Amy, who looked just as confused as he did. Arthur chuckled and scratched the back of his head "Y-Yeah!! Um, how about you guys sit down?" He gestured to the room on the couch.

Lewis and Vivi sat themselves on the couch and Quintin turned to his farther "Dad, is something wrong?"  Arthur shook his hands "No, actually i- um we, have some great news for you guys!!"

Amy rolled her eyes, but kept a smile for her Uncle "That's great!! What is it?" She asked as she crossed one leg over the other and leaned into the couch. Arthur looked over at his wife and the two both held hands as they spoke " and Melodie have been married for a while now."

"6 months next Tuesday!!" Vivi commented making Arthur and Melodie chuckle a little "And, we've been happy for that whole time!! Getting closer to each other and learning more about ourselves!!"

Quintin and Amy both leaned over the couch and looked at each other, then Arthur "And?" The two both said in unison. Arthur began to blush a little and nervously pulled at his shirt colour "Well, some of you may have noticed that I've been very...different lately."

Amy nodded along with her parents and Quintin. It was very true, just last week Quintin sat in his garage living on nothing but hardcore caffeine and crackers for 3 days. And Melodie had threatened to snap her dads arm when he came to ask her if she knew where his coat was.

"Gee go figure..." "Amy!!" Vivi scolded her daughter quickly before turning back to her friend. "It's true, you both have been acting different the last few days." Amy rolled her eyes and mumbeled under her breath as she crossed her arms.

"Yes, well..that's kinda the reason we wanted to talk to you." He placed his arm on Melodies shoulder they both smiled fondly at each other and turned back to their friends. Amy sat their for a moment in thought. Melodie was one emotion then the other, Arthur was hiding himself away for more then 24 hours on nothing more then coffee, they were both holding hands and they said that they had-........oh.

Amy's eyes widened when it all clicked, she prayed to god that what she was thinking was completely and utterly wrong!! Her Uncle wouldn't do THAT RIGHT?! No, nonononono.....maybe?

'Oh shit. He DID NOT-'

"Me and Melodie are going to have a baby!! Isn't that great?" Vivi and Lewis immediately lept to congratulate their friends. They were so busy complimenting and congratulating them that they didn't noticed the horrified expression on Quintins face and the look of pure freaked the hell out on Amy's face.

Arthur noticed this and turned to them with a raised brow "Quintin, Amy? You two okay?" Amy's eye socket twitched, a large smile on her face. Quintin stood up, took a deep breath in, and held his hands like a steeple as he spoke "Please excuse me....I'm gonna g-go into the garage to scream."

And with that he left the room. Melodie and Arthur both looked at each other "I didn't think he'd take it like that..." Melodie commented as she looked at her husband. "Amy?" Lewis walked over to his daughter "You okay? Don't you think it's great that Arthur is having a b-" "Nope."

Amy rose from the couch and held her hand up in a surrender motion. The same large smile on her face as she walked out the room

"Nope, Nope, Nope, Nu-uh, Not today, Fuck it, Nada, No, Not in a million years, Nope, Never, So much nope!!!"

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