A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
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In this Thea is a baby, she is wearing light orange with dark orange stripped onesie.
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In this Amy is wearing a dark purple jumper with black trousers.
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In this Loppody is wearing baggy trousers that are light and dark yellow. She is wearing a great short sleeved shirt with a light purple paint splatter and she is also wearing a red bandana around her neck. Her hair is in pigtails.
"THIS IS SO MUCH FUUUUUN!!!!" "I KNOW RIGHT!!" Amy and Loppody were soaring around the living room, they were both holding on tightly to a yellow ghost as they zoomed around the room. Today, the two were being looked after by their Uncle Manolo.
Thea, who was only a baby, was sitting in a baby playpen, giggling and laughing at the two strange yellow blobs that floated round the room.
Apparently she giggled a little to loudly and Manolo poked his head into the room. "Wha?! Loppody, Amy!! Get down!!" The ghosts came to a halt and the two girls let out an 'awwww' of disappointment.
"Aww, come on!! There's nothing else we can do!!" Amy said, clearly irritated. Manolo walks over and picked the two girls up with ease off the ghosts and placed them on the floor "Amy, you two could fall off and get hurt. What would I tell you parents if you got hurt?"
Everted eye contact showed rather quickly that Amy didn't know. "I'm going to go make everyone lunch, okay? And no more flying around on ghosts."
"Yes Uncle Manolo..." the two said in unison. When Manolo had slipped out of sight Any let out a sigh. She walked over to Thea's baby playpen, Loppody sat down by her side "Now what can we do?"
She placed her head in her hand, Loppody hummed in thought "We could play hide and seek?" "Did it." She placed a finger under her chin "Weeeeee could help Uncle Manolo make lunch?" "Did it last time."
"Hmm...." The two girls sat there in deep thought, they weren't really sure if either of them would have an idea, but it's not like they had one before, so. The sound of a rattle made Loppody look up at Thea.
She was shaking her rattle in one hand, and trying to make some kind of building out of multicoloured blocks with the other. She eventually dropped the rattle and continued with her block building.
".....I got it!!" Loppody announced as she stood up, "got what?" Amy asked, anticipation shining in her eyes. "We could teach Thea to talk!!" Amy's happy face with swapped with a raised brow.
She looked over at the gurgling baby that was chewing on the ear of some poor stuffed bear. "Loopy, she is drooling over a bear....." she pointed with her finger "Do you really think we could teach her how to talk?"
"Yeah!! Duh!!" She walked up to the play pen "Besides, Uncle Manolo said she's already said stuff like 'Ma' and 'Pa'." Amy walked up to her "Those aren't even words...."
"They are now!!" Loppody carefully lifted Thea out of her play pen and carried her over to the couch. She sat her down on the couch, Amy and Loppody standing on the floor at either side of her
"Okay Thea!! Say Loppody!! Lop-po-dy!!" Thea tilted her head to one side, her short brown curls dangling in front of her face slightly. ".....I think she's too young to say that...." Loppody frowned "How about Loopy? Can you say Loopy??"
The two girls watched Thea intently, waiting for her to do something. Thea, stared at the two for a moment before she let out a small giggle ".....Okay, this isn't working...." Amy turned to Loppody
"Your right, maybe we should-"
The two girls stared wide eyed at each other and then the snapped their heads to Thea. "Did she....just?" Loppody smiled the biggest grin and picked up Thea "Come on!! Say it again!! Please!!"
"L.....Lo.....L..Loop!!" Amy could have sworn that Loppodys eyes went star shaped as she pulled Thea into a tight yet gentle hug "OMG!!! SHE SAID MY NAME!! Well not really but STILL!!"
"See if she can say my name!!" Loppody held Thea in front of Amy "Can you say Amy A-M-Y??"
"A.....A...m...A..Ameeee!!!" Amy stiffened a laugh "2 outta 3, close enough." Thea let out another giggeled and held her hand out to Amy, accidentally bopping the place were her nose should have been, making the girl blush a small bit.
"AWWWWWW!!!!!" Loppody giggeled a little at the blush in Amy's face, she sighed and raised a brow at Thea. "....you are too cute, for your own good. You know that?!"