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Luke was sitting peacefully in the kitchen, they had just left a small towns harbour and their larder was now full to the brine with fine delicacies. Stuff like win, ham, berries, cola obviously and a bunch of other things that they could use, his dad always said to never let the opportunity to buy fresh cooking ingredients go by, and that as a chef you must take the opportunity to experiment with different ingredients to make a meal better.

....In other words they had pretty much brought every type of food at the market. He gave out a relaxing sigh and closed his eyes, it was a rare occurrence that the boat was silent and Luke wants to enjoy it while it lasted. Unfortunately, it didn't last long.

"LUKE LUKE!! LOOK WHAT I BROUGHT FROM THE MARKET!!!" Luke opened one eye as May came running into the kitchen "Sup'?" He asked as he sat up in his chair, May had her hands cupped around something, she made a small squeal and revealed her hands to Luke.

"Its a tarantula!! I brought it from the market!! It's my new pet, isn't-" "AHHH!! GET IT AWAY!!!" Luke lept like a cat onto the other side of the room as he shook a whisk at May, May raiseds brow and looked down at her spider pet "It's just a spider Luke....."

She was about to walk over to him when Luke throw the whisk at her, it was a rather pathetic throw as it practically missed her by miles. She raised a brow at him "What's wrong with you? It's just a spider!!"

"No it's NOT!! They are EVIL!!" He pointed a shaking hand at the spider "They are evil little minions of Satan wrapped in a blanket of HATE!! GET RID OF IT!!!"

May blinked and tilted her head " you have, arachnophobia?" Luke blushed and scoffed, folding his arms and turned his head away from
May "Of course I don't!! I'm not scared of anything!!" May rolled her eyes

"Then you'll have no problem if I come over their with my tarantula." She stated blankly as she took a step forward "NO nonononono!!! Don't bring the spider!!!" "What in the world is going on in here?!" Alex asked as she walked into the kitchen

"How the hell am I suppose to invent stuff with all his noise?!...Oh!! Cool a tarantula!!" May and Alex started to pet the spider and this only made Luke more on edge as he felt every hair stand on end. Alex caught sight of this and raised a brow " okay dude?"

"Get it out of here!!" Alex looked down at the spider, it didn't take her long to figure out what was wrong with her ginger friend. "Oh~ is someone scared of an ittsy bittzy spider?" Alex mocked

"NO!! I just..don't like the way it looks, it's hairy, it had eight legs, fangs and like 50 too many sharp teeth!!" Alex rolled her eye and picked up Mays spider and walked towards Luke, she hadn't even taken two steps towards him before he ran out of the room. "DAAAAAAAAAD!!!!"


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