Scars and bruises

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(Picture belongs to me)

Hey look a picture to go with it!!(Picture belongs to me)

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Shadow/Sapphire/Pip- le moi


Sapphire dropped her bags on the floor as she stepped in through the castle doors. It had been a very long trip home from her last show and the only thing she could think about was seeing her siblings again.

"Shadow! Pip!" She called out down the hallways "Im home!!"

No response.
It wasn't all the surprising to her, the castle they were staying in was very big and it could have simply been that they didn't hear her. Instead she walked down the corridor, hoping that they hadn't gone to bed quite just yet.

Soon the family sound of Shadows famous story telling emitting from Shadows bedroom down the hall made her quicken her pace. She soon came upon the door and peeked into the room "Hello there my dears!! Look who's h-"

Pip sat cozily next to his sister, a reading book neatly held in her clawed hooves, Sapphire caught sight of the multiple bandages covering her sisters neck and front leg. She fully came into the room and quickly pulled Pip away

"Pippy dear.." she gavebw fond smile "Why don't you, go and get me some of your drawings to show me? I bet you've been very busy while I've been gone." She gently ruffled her younger brothers fur, he gave a small cat like our before he trotted out of the room, waving goodbye to his sister before leaving for his bedroom.

As soon as he was gone Sapphire shot her sister a worried glance "Good evening sister." Shadow closed the book and tried to act like nothing was wrong.

"What happened?!" She kept forward like a cat and began to circle her sister, inspecting her injuries carefully. "It's nothing for your conc-"

"Not my concern?!" The fur on her chest began to bristle "Shadow it is every right to be my 'concern.'" She quickly fetched a he blanket from her sisters bed "I come home, hoping to spend quality time with you after my tour and I come home to find you bashed and bruised."

She nagged through gritted teeth and dropped the blanket on her back, trying to neatly cover her "There is no need for a blanket sister." Shadow shook the felt of her with her wings "I was simply not paying close enough attention in training today."

She slouched forward and crossed one good over the other, holding back a grunt of pain as she rested her head in her hands. Sapphire narrowed her eyes "Shadow if you are going to disrespect me by lying to my face then I would prefer you didn't talk to me at all."

Shadow didn't do much as look at her, the insult doing nothing much to her. Sapphire sighed and picked up the blanket gently in her claws "Shadow please talk to me..."

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