A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
Here's a picture to go with it, bio for Kiana will be uploaded soon
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"Excuse me?"
Shadow slowly lifted her head to the doorway of her room, a female dark grey nurse was standing by the doorway, a glass vile balanced on her wing
"Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."
Shadow gestured for her to come in with her wing as she finished wrapping her foot in a bandage. The female smiled and walked in, causally sitting herself next to Shadow and holding the vile in her hooves.
Shadow watched as she plopped off the cork and threw it else where, then inhaling the yellow smoke that rose out. She gave a blissful sign and leaned back into the wall, enjoying the sent.
Shadows snout wrinkled as she moved her head away from the yellow mist, waving her wing lightly and blowing it away from her, the female opened one of her luminous, predatory eyes and chuckled at her "What? You ain't never seen pine and jasmine reliever "
Shadow tilted her head to the side "Pardon?"
"Pine and Jasmine reliever." She repeated a little too coolly as she took another long breath of the yellow mist "Its a stress reliever, and when your a nurse having to deal with blood and guts and all of that, a stress reliever or two is required every now and then."
She looked down at Shadow, looking at her multiple bruises and open wounds.
Shadow found it silly that she felt uncomfortable under the females gaze, she couldn't help but feel as if she was staring a little too intently at some places.
"Never did get your name."
She sat up slightly and pushed her dirty red hair aside before extending a hoof "I'm Kiana, thanks again for letting me sit here."
Shadow looked at her hoof and then up at Kiana, slowly she put her clawed hoof in hers "Shadow." She answered.
Kiana blinked and hummed, "Ooooohhh...so your the small fry everyone's talkin' about." Shadow furrowed her brows at how she called her 'small fry' considering that she herself was at least 2 feet taller then her.
"I beg your pardon?"
Kiana chuckled lightly and swayed from side to side, keeping herself from falling over with her wings "Everyone's talking about you, how your the first female to ever recruit for the head of the guard..." she smirked and dared to poke Shadows nose
"You've grown quite the reputation Miss Shadow."
Shadow shivered slightly, pulling her hoof away from her snout "I didn't intend on building a reputation, im here to train like everyone else."
"True true." Kiana nodded her head and waved a hoof before taking another large breath of the herbal stress reliever in her hoofs, Shadows ears folded back slightly