Home sweet home?......

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Quitin, the adopted son to Arthur, he looks just like the drawing above

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Quitin, the adopted son to Arthur, he looks just like the drawing above

Quitin, the adopted son to Arthur, he looks just like the drawing above

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Amy, also looks the same as she does in the drawing.


Quitin had been up in his new room, organising and sorting out all of his belongs that were piled in boxes upon boxes. His old bedroom, that basement of the orphanage, was somewhere he felt safe and able to be himself, and he was sad to say goodbye to it. 

He was trying his hardest to move a certain box that contained a few spare parts and tools. But alas, with Quitins scrawny arms and skinny figure, lifting heavy objects like boxes was a hard task.

He was about to give up when a small yellow ghost floated through the box. "GAH!!!" Quitin fell back in fright and pushed himself up against the wall of his room. The ghost like creature, with light purple eyes and a small purple heart on is chest, tilted its head at the strange stick like human and slowly floated its way towards him.

"S-Stay back!!!" "PEEEEP!!!" Quitin was confused at the loud strange noise the small chubby ghost had made. It looked at him for a while before it gave Quitin a devilish grin. Before Quitin could react he small ghost grabbed his beanie and zoomed out of the door, sticking its tongue out at him as he went.

"H-Hey, give that b-back!!" Quitin got to his feet and jumped out of his room, he hadn't even gotten down the hallway when he saw an unfamiliar girl standing next to the ghost, his beanie in her hand.

"Pearlie, what did I tell you about stealing?" He ghost gave out a small whimper looking down at the ground, ashamed, Amy looked down upon the ghost for a brief moment before ruffling its head. The ghost seemed happy by this and floated next to Amy, nuzzling it's check into her skull.

Quitin watched in confusion, his new dad Arthur said that their would be a girl living in the same place as him, but a ghost!? Quitin wasn't sure wether he was hallucinating, or wether this thing was real.

"Hey buddy?....hello?" Quitin shock his head, now coming back to reality. He looked down at the white skinned girl, he noticed that her skin was literally white, and that her eyes seemed to be a very deep purple. "Um....H-Hello...." Quitin extended a shacking hand.

The girl looked at him for a brief moment before giving his hand a firm shake, making Quitins body shake a little. "Heya, the names Amy!! Uncle Arthur told me their would be a new kid!! What's ya name?"

Amy? Did she say the name Amy? As in the Amy, the most popular skateboarding girl in the whole off his school!? The Amy that stood up for him all those years ago? That Amy!?

"Dude, your spacing out......" Amy said bluntly, shaking her hand in the air to gain his attention.

"H-Huh!? Oh!! S-Sorry, I'm um.....Q-Quit-" Quitin wasn't able to finish his sentence as Amy head fell off and leaned in his hands. He gave a small girly eep and looked down at the skull, that was giving a smug smile "Whoops!! Guess I really......lost my HEAD!!!"

Amy gave a loud 'AYYY' and did gun fingers at Quitin. Quitin seemed to be in a state of shutdown, his arms were trembling at the smiling skull in his hands and his whole face was white with fear.

Amy's skull raised an eyebrow "Uh, dude that's your cue to laugh......or to emote at all?" Quitin didn't dare move, small beads of sweat had began to slowly slither their way down his face.

Amy's body walked over to Quitin and lifted her head out of his hands, placing it back on her neck. A small click noise was heard and Amy gave her head a rub. "Um.......earth to Quitin?" Amy snapped her fingers in front on the trembling boy, nothing.

"Dude? You okay?" Amy reached a hand out to nudge his shoulder, Quitin, saw this out off the corner of his eye and slapped her hand away, she was suprised at the action and stared at Quitin.

"G-G-GET AWAY FROM M-ME!!!" Amy was about to tell Quitin that it was just a harmless prank, but the boy was already running down the corridors like his life depended on it, a trail of smoke followed him as he ran down the long corridor.

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