Im so proud of you bro

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Amy dragged a rack across the leaf covered dried way, the freshly autumn air making her breaths clouded as she let out a tired sigh. The old house which she called home was suffering badly due to winter, a few of the old planks of wood had began to fall off leaving gapping holes in the side of the house and even the windows had began to crack in places due to the cold temperature.

Amy had just finished raking the crumpled brown leaves into a small pile when the sound of someone falling over came to her attention. Out of instinct she ran out from behind the house where she had been racking, a grey haired boy dressed from head to two in winter clothing groaned as they got weakly to their feet, a trail of blood coming from their head


Amy quickly ushered her friend inside, closing the door and leading Quintin over to the couch, once she was sure that he was settled she ran to the kitchen to grab the first aid kit. Due to her childhood being full of trips and tumbles she didn't have to even look when opening the cupboard to grab the small green box.

She ran back into the living room and quickly pulled out a roll of bandage and some disinfect for the cut. Quintin placed his wool hat on the table, brushing his hair aside to allow his friend to clean his cut, Amy gently applied the disinfectant to the wound, her attention focused solely on making sure her friend was okay, the leaves and the house could wait a little longer.

"S-Sorry for interrupting y-your work Amy." Amy offered nothing but a warm smile at her friend "It's no worries Quintin, you bet work any day." She chuckled as she applied more disinfect to the cloth "Im just glad your okay." Quintin smiled through the sharp sting of pain as Amy gently cleaned his wound.

"I-I was sure that I w-was watching where I was going." Quintin said with a tone what shaky voice, Amy sighed and shook her head with a smile, using her magic to grab a small plaster that could go under the bandage. As she rummaged through the box she had noticed how quite Quintin had gotten, seeing him so Quintin made a small ball of sadness build on her gut

"I guess you really are a bit of a klutz huh? Hehe!!" Amy said, a smile on her face. She had always made fun out of Quintins clumsiness and although half would think of it as rude it would always make the two of them laugh. "Aha!! There you a-!!" A sniffle at the girls side caught her attention, was Quintin crying?

She turned her head in disbelief to her friend that was shaking on the couch, the blanket that was draped over his legs had small yet noticeable tears marks, his hair seemed to had lost it soft puffy appearance and now looked more like a tumble weed. Amy's joy over finding a plaster in the box was extinguished in a second as she turned back to Quintin

"Quintin? Oh god!! Did I say something wrong?! Was I not gentle enough?!" Amy clumsily reached for the disinfect grabbing the cloth she had used earlier "Does it hurt anywhere?!" She asked with concern. " does....I-its hurts a lot...."

Quintin wiped a hand across his cheeks, the river of tears continued to flow and Amy sat their in confusion. Many thoughts were going through the pink haired girls head

why was it cold in winter?
Why did the leaves fall?
When was lunch?
Why wouldn't her dad let her stay up before 10?
What was for dinner?

However one question stood up amongst all the rest and was her main focus of attention. "Quintin? What's wrong?" Her usual cocky and confident self seemed to have disappeared, now replaced with concern and determination to help her friend. Quintin hiccuped half way through wiping a hand across his face and sniffled.

"I-I just..." Quintin felt the walls of his throats close as his words got lost in his tongue. He looked down at the floor and was able to say through hiccups and tears

"D-Do you think my...r-real parents would b-be...proud of me?"


Amy dropped the bottle of disinfect in shock, her eyes wide as the cloth too was dropped to the floor. Quintin buried his face in his hands in an attempt to silence his sobs, this didn't work as his sobs seemed to be the only noise in the whole house.

Amy felt a tindge of pain hit her square in the heart, she technically didn't have one, but she still felt the pain, and it hurt. It was as if all the thoughts in Amy's mind had just vanished, she couldn't process anything and just stared wide eyed at her weeping friend, she felt small tears well up in the corners of her eyes sockets.

She didn't lift her hand to stop them as more began to pour endless down her cheeks. "Quintin..." It was in that moment that it all fell apart, Amy latched her arms around her friend, letting him bury his face into the crook of her neck as he wheeped. Amy rubbed his back reassuringly, trying to sense his jolts and shivering

"They...would be so proud of you."

Amy found herself smiling, her eyes closed as the tears continued "A-And we are all so proud of you." Amy sniffled half way through her sentence "D-Don't ever doubt that." Amy chuckled and hiccuped, hugging Quintin tighter as if he would slip away into space if she let go.

"A-And I know we can't replace them!! A-And I know I-I'm overprotective." Amy said with a slight chuckle, thinking back on the times she had gotten into fights over silly little things just to keep Quintin safe "B-But I can't help it!!" She pulled away from him, Quintins cheeks were soaked with tears, his eyes red and puffy from crying, but at least the sniffles and hiccups had stopped.

"Y-Your my little brother!!" Quintin began to sob again, more tears falling to the floor, with tears eyes Amy smiled and sat herself down on the couch beside him, hugging him from the side as Quintin rested his head on hers.

"And we love you so much...."

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