A book filled with random adventures and tales of my characters on deviantart. all the characters that are used in a chapter will be shown at the top or bottom of the page.
Note: The boneheads belong to Atomi-Cat, and in some of her comics Sans and Papyrus are included and sometimes more of the Undertale characters. Umm not sure wether they would know any of them from other AU's like underswap by I like to think that they do.
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(Again she wears a dark grey vest that ends at her knees, black trousers and a light blue overly large hoodie)
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Zephyr is the one on the far left, he has long baggy hair as a kid that's basically the same but without the blue highlights, he wears an orange hoodie and brown long trousers, he also sometimes wears girly stuff like peace necklaces and flower crowns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Roxie was sitting just outside the cafe, she was sitting on a stone step looking off into nothingness. She gave out a sigh, she was so bored!!! Granted she could ask her dad if she could go and visit her Uncle to play with Nicholas, but he was just a baby and he wasn't much fun. The only thing he was really good for were silly baby gurgles and throwing his mushed pumpkin food across the room.
She gave out another sigh and leaned back against the step. "Heya dreemur....." Roxie jolted up at the sound of a smooth voice, she turned her head to see a small skeleton, perhaps a bit bigger then her standing a few feet away from her, a lazy grin on their face.
Roxie sat their for a moment, seeing another skeleton around here this late was rare, let alone one that had bags of hair hanging infront of his face. "Looking for some company dudette?"
Dudette? What!?
"Um......no thanks" Roxie stuffed her hands in her hoodie pocket.
"Aww, that's a shame....." the skeleton moved over and sat next to her on the step. "I just thought that you would want some company, I could sense your gloomy aura as soon as I saw you."
Roxie raised an eyebrow "Huh? Aura you say?" the skeleton gave a peaceful hum in response and propped his arms behind him. "Yeah. I can feel your boredom radiating from your cosmic core. Your in dire need for someone to relive you off such tensions and bring you true inner peace. My names Zephyr by the way, and that's what I do- aura therapy and spiritual healing."
He offered Roxie a warm smile. Roxie, sat their trying to process what the bloody hell this sheepdog had just said. In her mind, all this aura talk just made this guy out to look like some flower chain guitar playing hippy.
"..........what?" Zephyr blinked. "Aura, something that gives off a negative or positive flow of energy. I was able to sense these negative rays. My connection to the cosmic flow of the universes energies gives me unworldly sight beyond sigh-"
"Can you please stop. Your making my head hurt." Roxie said as she looked over at Zephyr. He frowned slightly "Oh!! Sorry cosmic sister."
Roxie promptly chocked on her own spit "the frick did you just call me!?"
Zephyr was unfazed to be scared or surprised "Comsic sister, we are all spiritual connected, to each other and the world around us dear sister...." Roxie couldn't help but think that this Zephyr guy was a complete nut case!!!
"Your bonkers......" Roxie said as she started to walk away, she was about to turn to her right to walk back to the cafe when she felt something being placed on her head. She raised an eyebrow and moved a hand to her head.
She pulled off a pink flower crown, she gawked at the girly item and looked around her to try and find the culprit who placed this bloody thing on her head. And to no real surprise she found Zephyr standing behind her, wearing a pink flower crown of his own.
"I like to think that I'm cool, never had the words nuts before. I've been called a sheep dog and flower boy...." he looked over at Roxie, as he spoke his next words a light breeze drifted through his black hair, moving it for a split moment to reveal a beautiful sunset orange eye looking at her.
"But never 'bonkers' although everyone is entitled to their own opinion....." Roxie was 100 percent sure that she was staring like a complete idiot at Zephyr, she could feel an odd heat flush to her face so quickly that she became dizzy.
"Uh......I...sure I guess?" Zephyr was apparently oblivious to the blushing Roxie and offered a warm friendly smile. Before he slowly took off his flower crown and placed it gently on top of her head. Roxie, was unable to move and remained frozen on the spot.
"You look rad with the crown my cosmic sister......peace" Roxie leapt to answer and ask what the bloody hell this guys game was, but was stopped when the skeleton was consumed in an orange flame, and as quickly as it had appeared it had gone. He had vanished.
Roxie stood their for a moment, lost in thought. What the hell just happened?! She slowly reached her other hand to her head and her fingers gently grazed over the soft petal of the pink flowers. Okay, her mind was definitely not that imaginative so she definitely didn't hallucinate the skeleton.
And the flower crown on her head was definitely real, no question there. Roxie stood their and looked at the spot were that skeleton had disappeared, she could still feel the odd heat on her face, she groaned and pulled the flower crown off her head, trying her best not to ruin the neatly arranged flowers.
She tugged her hood over her face, praying that her dad hadn't see what just happened. She looked down at the flower crowns in both of her hands, she found her mind making a detailed image of the skeleton and his eyes, those beautiful sunset orange eyes that flickered with kindness and warmth.
And his smooth friendly voice that made a small part of Roxie's mind swoon, just a little. Wait. What!?
"......I was just harassed by a bloody sheepdog someone help me!!!"