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  She bounded to her classroom for homeroom and sat alone in the corner in her math teacher's classroom. She screwed in her headphones and blasted stereotypical emo music. She stared into space, she wanted to go home, she wanted to drop, out, or something. Girls from other tables stared at her and whispered to each other, she realized two things they could be whispering about very quickly. The first being that she hadn't put her earbuds into her computer. She slammed her elbows on the table and slammed her face into her palms. She shut her computer and mumbled to herself, all the terrible words she could think of to say to herself. The girls laughed, she covered her tearful blue eyes and wiped the tears away as they evacuated to her cheeks. Her pale hands shook with anger as she stumbled outside into the bright sunlight.   

She sat at a table alone, alone until some red-headed, short-haired girl sat across from her and began eating. She frowned at the girl, who extended her hand in a friendly gesture. "I'm Dian." She smiled warmly. Zoey looked at her hand and shoved her body closer to the wall as she fixed her eyes on a tall blonde boy sitting at the other end of the table, across from a girl with straight brown hair and crooked shark teeth. She frowned at the girl across from the boy. She broke her gaze when he looked over, she pretended to look disgusted with something, perhaps, life itself. He said something inaudible and she heard his laugh at the sound of Dian chewing. He laughs like a douche, he looks like a douche, she thought to herself as she refocused back on him. He caught her staring. She blushed crimson and lowered her head as she spun around and left the lunchroom. 

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