Invoke Your Lover

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To begin his process of invoking his lover, he wrote her name on a slip of paper, found a rose that represented her and wrapped the paper around the stem. He chanted a spell and lit the paper on fire. If the rose did not light and the paper burned slowly he had found his mate, so went the theory. He held the blaze to the aromatic flower, its blush petals refused to accept the flame. The paper burned so slowly into the night, he continued to speak. "Let no wind, let no rain, separate her and I. Let no strife cut us apart like a knife." he spoke her full name and dropped water on the small flash. The fire continued to snail the paper and burn it. He smiled, he re-spoke the chant and put out the fire.

He lay in bed that night. A crystal on his heart chakra, a stone on his sexual chakra as he kept peaceful noises at a low volume. His room smelled of sandalwood and he shut off all of his lights. He closed his eyes and emptied his mind. He forcefully focused on nothing and the only thing he aided himself in seeing was a place that he felt at peace. The scenery of the trail to heart rock in lake arrowhead. As his body lay still in bed, he felt the cool breeze on his face, he could smell the forest. Everything was so vivid. A twig snapped behind him and he spun around. A wolf stood behind him, its head bowed, it breathed softly. Its fur glossy and black, scars littered its body. He blinked once, twice, the wolf had disappeared. He walked to the stream and he saw his reflection. His body was bare. He rolled into a ball and covered himself as he saw her step from behind a boulder on the other side of the stream. She was as bare as he. He gazed at her, captivated, he gazed back. Time had somehow skipped ahead and she stood in front of him. He looked up at her and stood. She walked closer and put her head below his chin, her arms wrapped around his waist. The wind seemed to speak to him. Don't leave, don't run. Not again, don't leave again. He felt the pressure of her body evaporate and he looked to see another woman stand a few feet from him. A goddess no doubt. She spoke softly "You won't get this chance again." She walked forward and placed a finger upon his third eye and pushed lightly, he stumbled back and awoke in bed violently. This had been the clearest message he had ever received. He hoped hers was the same. If it was, it would be proper to bind the two eternally. A spiritual marriage.

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